
Actually chickens did come from the "wild" https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-81589-7#:~:text=The chicken is one of,China3,4,5.
They are more wild than we give them credit for. Although I do agree that no animal should be dumped anywhere with the expectation that it will make it on its own or someone else is going to care for it. It disgusts me!
People who dump animals make me upset. If they can't care for an animal, find them a new home. Don't just dump them like last week's trash and expect them to be okay.
I just got Jersey Black Giant chicks and Pearl Guineas keets from Ideal, but I had mine shipped. Everyone arrived alive and kicking. I'm about an hour north of Dallas.
I got a 90' Pine Tree in my 80' X 46' chicken run. Coming down your way to Ideal in Cameron. Do you know if they will let you pick up orders instead of having them mailed? I going to get 25 Buff Orphans, 25 Red Star, 25 Cornish Rocks and some guineas. Have you ever bought from them?
bob marshall
*Hill Country*
Special needs cockerel needs a home. 11 week old Easter Egger.

His beak doesn’t align properly and he has trouble eating unless it’s from a deep dish or my hands.

He’s very cuddly and sweet.

Or are there any farm/rooster rescues that take in ones like this? Thanks!


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