
The plan is golden comets, barred rocks and rhode island reds.
I was at my local tractor supply yesterday and they had all these breeds (pretty much all the high production breeds) along with some ducks, bantams, and buff brahmas. As far as hatcheries go seems they are all pushed back to mid late summer. Cackle does have their special brown egg laying assortment available for May, but you don't get to pick the breeds you get.
I was at my local tractor supply yesterday and they had all these breeds (pretty much all the high production breeds) along with some ducks, bantams, and buff brahmas. As far as hatcheries go seems they are all pushed back to mid late summer. Cackle does have their special brown egg laying assortment available for May, but you don't get to pick the breeds you get.
I'd ordered some chicks through the local feed store and thought I was getting straight runs. Turns out he just added to his order. And he is selling the feed store, so he's got a lot going. Oh, well.

He'd gotten 200 female chicks in and had 5 Ideal 236 (leghorn) and 50 odd Barred Rocks remaining. I got 2 Ideal and 13 Rocks for me and a buddy. I'm not surprised the EE sold out. I talked to the floor guy and he was there at lunch and had only sold 10 chicks that afternoon. If you want your pick, find out when they get there and go early. There may be a line.

I like Barred Rocks and have been happy with the Ideal line. They were my first order. The broody took them under her wing after a little coaxing. Looks like all survived the almost freezing weather last night. A new adventure begins.

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