Théo and the chickens des Sauches

Thank you for the cost breakdown. Did they say how much the surgery would be?
The vet is still working on the estimate... He is a busy vet. He said probably something like $1500-$2000. :eek:

I do really worry about the risk associated with opening her up, given some of Manue's experience, although the vet indicated that it is no more riskier for chickens than for other animals.
The vet is still working on the estimate... He is a busy vet. He said probably something like $1500-$2000. :eek:

I do really worry about the risk associated with opening her up, given some of Manue's experience, although the vet indicated that it is no more riskier for chickens than for other animals.
So sorry you are going through this 😭
I'm also sorry that you were right about Light having laid internally. I hope the implant works well for her and that she can fight the infection. She looks good on the photo, actually!

I am biased about the surgery since as you know, Caramel did not survive the same intervention.
In the case of Caramel she did not survive the anesthesia probably because although they had her on IV and oxygen a few days before, she was very weak. The vet had warned me that this was a possibility.
Unfortunately I know of another hen, Goose, who also did not survive that surgery, in March. The operation itself went well but she passed abruptly a few hours after waking up. She was a senior hen and would have died without it and her owner, who has a rescue in California, paid 4000$. It was more complicated that Caramel's surgery although I don't remember the exact details. And she had been on the implant on and off for several years.
But Light doesn't have a long history of reproductive disease. Hopefully the implant associated with the antibiotics will be enough, in many cases it works. Or it could at least buy her several months.
Indeed. They are quite stunning.
And apparently they are also used as an alternative treatment for EYP ! Check out @Sally PB's post about Pip.
How is your own health now Manue?
I'm fine, thank you, though now I have a stomach ache worrying for the upcoming election this Sunday. I will be away for the weekend, I'm going to see my cousins in Aix.

Nougat is acting better, now she has taken again normal chicken life, but she is slow and walks like she has an egg stuck inside, so I still believe she has laid internally. We discussed taking her to the vet. But we are too afraid the ride is too hard on her and then it would turn out like it did for Caramel, no choice but to leave her there. Nougat is not like Blanche. I can see she doesn't want to fight and she doesn't especially likes being with us. She is stressed and frightened and she wants her usual environment if possible and if she is too unwell I think she wouldn't want us to try to extend her life at all cost. She doesn't deal mentally as well with pain as all my other ex-batt's did. And she is the last and it must be strange having none of her tribe left.


Nougat enjoying the sun.

Nougat and Mélisse.

Recently, my partner reminded me of something funny I had forgotten about Caramel. She is the only hen here that ever learned a trick. We used to keep a barrel of corn in the coop. My partner had taught Caramel whenever he shouted "Caramel, président!" to jump on the barrel and scratch and scratch the lid, and then he would open the barrel and give the ex-batts corn 🤣. His idea was that they would all believe Caramel was the one to magically open the barrel, so she would become the most popular politician in the chicken world !

And apparently they are also used as an alternative treatment for EYP ! Check out @Sally PB's post about Pip.
Oh I forgot to comment on this. I should go and dig up her posts. I actually remember her talking about it.

I wonder which part of the Lotus is Lotus extract from. It probably is the seeds. Both Lotus roots and seeds are tasty and can be eaten raw but the seeds have good medicinal benefits, especially the very core of the seed which is bitter.

I'm going to feed Light some seeds when they ripe.
I'm not surprised by the vet costs, but I'm used to it. When human medical interventions cost so much, why would veterinary interventions be cheaper when the work's harder and riskier? They all have to pay staff, rent, insurance, consumables, equipment and so on. Not to mention the cost of education, registering, and CPD. Frankly, I'm often amazed how cheap it is. My old chicken vet often gave me a free consult. I wish he hadn't retired because he took a lifetime's experience and wisdom with him, but the new ones are also fantastic, if more reliant on lab work.
We used to keep a barrel of corn in the coop. My partner had taught Caramel whenever he shouted "Caramel, président!" to jump on the barrel and scratch and scratch the lid, and then he would open the barrel and give the ex-batts corn 🤣. His idea was that they would all believe Caramel was the one to magically open the barrel, so she would become the most popular politician in the chicken world !
I love this story!!

Caramel would've done far less harm than many human politicians. Forget pork barrelling, it's Corn Barrel time!
Of course I hope all chickens will heal well. :hugs

Its amazing and also strange for me to read how much money some people spend on vets for their pets/animals. Telling me they really love animals. Or at least their own animals.

The same people that are willing to pay for a vet, often eat animals (meat) and animal products (eggs, milk, cheese) too. Often not even the organic products because they cost more. Organic labels offer a better life for the animal. So these people are telling me they don’t care about animal lives.

The same people, telling me two opposite things. This is really hard for me to understand. Personally I rather not go to a vet, but do buy organic for better animal life’s in general (cant spend the extra cost twice.) .
Of course I hope all chickens will heal well. :hugs

Its amazing and also strange for me to read how much money some people spend on vets for their pets/animals. Telling me they really love animals. Or at least their own animals.

The same people that are willing to pay for a vet, often eat animals (meat) and animal products (eggs, milk, cheese) too. Often not even the organic products because they cost more. Organic labels offer a better life for the animal. So these people are telling me they don’t care about animal lives.

The same people, telling me two opposite things. This is really hard for me to understand. Personally I rather not go to a vet, but do buy organic for better animal life’s in general (cant spend the extra cost twice.) .
How does organic ensure better animal lives?
I look to buy humanely raised and slaughtered meat (mainly from local farms). The organic certification doesn’t address that.

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