Théo and the chickens des Sauches

are Laure's cheeks a bit swollen?
No, quite the opposite. It's her ear lobes that give this impression on the picture. She has lemon ear lobes, a bit like Amadeo had.
Very interesting evaluation of the garden produce there in this year of difficult weather. Here in general stuff that needs heat struggled, stuff that likes it cool and wet thrived - and some was missed because it matured unexpectedly early (cauliflower in August anybody?).
We've given up on growing any type of cabbage from seeds. It's just too hot in summer, they can't survive and they get eaten up by all kinds of caterpillars. We buy plants in September now. And now, I wouldn't want to eat cauliflower in August 🤣.
Anyway, it really emphasize how difficult it has become for producers who specialise in one type of product. If you have a bit of everything, there is a good chance that not all will be ruined.
Makes me curious. Does it taste like the yellow zucchini when still small? A big more mellow than the normal green zucchini (or courgette) ?
There are two ways to eat it, when it's tiny and when it's a squash. When it's young it reminds me the most of the white courgette I talked about last year. It's quite firm and slightly reminiscent of avocado. But we only eat them as squashes. Then it tastes another squash I can't find the translation for 🤣🤣🤣. Let's say it tastes a bit like pumpkin.

Good to hear Laure may have improved a bit. Light was unwell for weeks after the implant.
She is far from well, but on the right path. There was one day when I wondered if it was actually beyond the normal reaction for the implant, so when she was a tiny bit better the next day I was reassured.
Light and Honey are so cute without their tail 🥰. I'm glad Light is feeling better now. And curious to know how long the implant will last !
Our Jerusalem artichoke is flowing right now. Do you know when is a good time to dig the tubers up? Anytime?
Did you mean flowering ?
We dig ours up much later, usually in december. Here people eat them for christmas and new year so we sell them to a guy at one of the market in Nice at that time. We only eat them once or twice for ourselves, and because they are so invasive we dig about 150 kilos now... when we began with eight tubers a friend gave us 😱. We are just keeping them because they make a big hay that protects from the wind. Be careful to dig them all out if you don't want a forest next year !
Some hens obviously don’t want to eat layer feed if they moult. But could you make any other conclusions from all the entries?
In both Laure and Nougat's case, I think the stumbling and lack of balance wasn't correlated to direct denutrition. Both kept eating commercial feed ; less than usual of course but then they were not producing an egg either. It doesn't rule out deficiency because maybe the usual food they eat didn't provide what they needed at that point and also both experienced bad diarrhea.
Laure's balance is better now, though not completely back.

Thank you for the feed back on the links. I am always very pessimistic but in a way I find it encouraging when I come upon a piece of writing or a speech that reflects some of my worries, or questions. If they are shared by many then maybe one day those many will be heard, who knows.

I have some issues with my phone. It's overloaded. I can't take photos anymore and writing is slow. I may be not posting for a few days, or posting without pictures until I find a way to solve that. I don't want to buy a new phone, mine is only three years old.
I don't want to buy a new phone, mine is only three years old.
This has made me realize another pro of a 'dumb' phone; I bought mine in 2009, and it's still going strong :p (it has no camera and thus photos to store, but I suspect the real difference is that it is just a phone, not a computer in miniature). I'm also beginning to wonder if it's so old that it's somehow dropped off a database somewhere, because I can't remember the last time I had to top up with £10 :D
. I don't want to buy a new phone, mine is only three years old.
Many phones only last 3 years anyway if you want a secure phone. Only Iphone gives security updates for about 8 years from the release date. And I know Samsung gives 5. Do check it if you use a lot of apps or use it for payments.

Btw: From 2025 all phones are obliged to give 5 years security updates, thanks to the EU.

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Did you mean flowering ?
We dig ours up much later, usually in december. Here people eat them for christmas and new year so we sell them to a guy at one of the market in Nice at that time. We only eat them once or twice for ourselves, and because they are so invasive we dig about 150 kilos now... when we began with eight tubers a friend gave us 😱. We are just keeping them because they make a big hay that protects from the wind. Be careful to dig them all out if you don't want a forest next year !
Yes flowering.

Thanks for the answer. 150kg is a lot, wow.
This has made me realize another pro of a 'dumb' phone; I bought mine in 2009, and it's still going strong :p (it has no camera and thus photos to store, but I suspect the real difference is that it is just a phone, not a computer in miniature).
Even just using it as a phone, it's a good lifespan. One of the last dumb phones we had died because the microphone didn't work anymore ; several got broken from repeated falls, and they lasted a lot less than yours.
I'm also beginning to wonder if it's so old that it's somehow dropped off a database somewhere, because I can't remember the last time I had to top up with £10 :D
My English is failing me 😶 I don't understand that last part.
Many phones only last 3 years anyway if you want a secure phone. Only Iphone gives security updates for about 8 years from the release date. And I know Samsung gives 5. Do check it if you use a lot of apps or use it for payments.

Btw: From 2025 all phones are obliged to give 5 years security updates, thanks to the EU.

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I do pay with my phone, I don't have any other option. I gave up on our WiFi subscription more than a year ago, so the only internet access I now have is through my phone. The WiFi was really too slow to be any use, and more expensive because we're in a very rural zone. The alternate technology they are offering for internet access is a bit more expensive. Not having internet on my computer is saving about 500 euros a year. That money allowed me to start donating to rescues and animal welfare organisations. I don't want to go back, so I will keep having a smart phone, even though having a "phone just to phone" like you @Perris did hold some appeal for me.

It was a small 5/40 this morning, summer is decidedly over. It's been exceptionally short this year. The chickens are almost all molting now and laying a lot less. We may even have to light the wood stove soon if those temperatures last !

Laure is doing much better and foraging with the other chickens. She should be completely fine in a few days.

The roosters quarrel is having an interesting but aggravating change. Now Merle isn't broody anymore, Théo is once again completely obsessed with her. This means whenever in the evening she chooses not to roost next to him, he attacks Gaston. Today, Merle did not come out to join him in the garden. Twice Théo flew in the chicken yard. He attacked any other hen he met on his way to get to her. The first time, he had a fight with Gaston. It didn't end as I thought : Gaston retreated. He is molting and obviously he doesn't want to fight. The smallest rooster terribly aggressive behaviour may unfortunately pay off ! The second time, Gaston didn't even come to fight Théo. Théo just managed to find Merle and convinced her to come out with him.

I can't let Théo take over the chicken yard because he is far too mean to the hens. As long as Merle follows him, things can be fine, but I think she will tire of him soon. She is on top of the flock of the chicken yard now that Nougat is gone. When she comes out, she finds herself with Piou-piou who supersedes her. She won't want to spend all day out with Théo.

Piou-piou is not doing very well. I'm still not sure if she hurt a wing falling, if her foot hurts, if it's the molt, or yet something else ? She is still resting far too much compared to her usual behaviour.
And Théo is completely abandoning her now he has Merle. It's a bit sad because she can't join the main flock back : she has been fighting and loosing with half of the big hens, she is now terrified of them.

A cold morning for this time of year.

Théo's comb and crest were almost healed but yesterday he managed to get them torn up again fence fighting.


Laure still looks weird but she obviously feels a lot better.


Same chicken, Alba. Bumblefoot is almost done but now her other leg seems to be hurt, a slightly swollen ankle.

Lilly is molting. On top of her scratching feathers off due to parasites. This gives her a really strange look ! But she seems to be doing very good seen how active she is. I've withhold treating her for now, because she has so much bare skin I'm afraid it will get too irritated.

Chipie is still broody. I'm beginning to think she will never give up !

Piou-piou 🥰.

Two broodies meaning business. They are mad at me that I won't let them in the coop !
I do pay with my phone, I don't have any other option. I gave up on our WiFi subscription more than a year ago, so the only internet access I now have is through my phone.
A reason more to want a secure phone. Its the internet or wifi that have to be secure/trustworthy but also your smartphone
Any new resleased smartphone has to meet this standard. Samsung’s are okay for 5? years if new, Iphones get security updates for about 8 years. Other brands are sometimes horrible. Look at the specs if you buy one. Be absolutely careful with refurbished phones.
Now Merle isn't broody anymore,
Chipie is still broody. I'm beginning to think she will never give up !
Katrientje was broody again too. Used the playhouse again to lock her up away from the nestboxes. Worked amazingly. Just 2 days to break her.
I don't understand that last part.
i.e. "I can't remember the last time I had to top up with £10 "
My dumb phone was bought for about £30, and is a pay-as-you-go (no contract). So I have to pay £10 when my credit gets low in order to go on having a working phone. I don't make many calls, or send many texts, and it just serves the purpose I bought it for - ability to call someone in an emergency. Of course over time that has slipped a lot, so know it includes things I just forgot to ask before I left home or whatever, but it still doesn't get much use. I'm not a chatterer.

I think this phone has cost me less than £100 in total since I bought it, 15 years ago. Bargain eh? :gig
And no ads! :lol:
Piou-piou is not doing very well. I'm still not sure if she hurt a wing falling, if her foot hurts, if it's the molt, or yet something else ? She is still resting far too much compared to her usual behaviour.
When moulting several metabolic systems inc immune system can be compromised.
A reason more to want a secure phone. Its the internet or wifi that have to be secure/trustworthy but also your smartphone
Any new resleased smartphone has to meet this standard. Samsung’s are okay for 5? years if new, Iphones get security updates for about 8 years. Other brands are sometimes horrible. Look at the specs if you buy one. Be absolutely careful with refurbished phones.
That would explain why french refurbishers are focusing on those brands and Google, that do have those guarantees.
I couldn't find any information saying that paying with a secure phone will become mandatory, only that phone manufacturers will have to guarantee a five years update.
Katrientje was broody again too. Used the playhouse again to lock her up away from the nestboxes. Worked amazingly. Just 2 days to break her.
While wasting my time surfing idly on the internet I saw a way to break broodies I never heard of before. It requires a big enough property so that one can take the broody to a place she doesn't know at all, and far enough that she doesn't hear her flock. Supposedly the complete loss of any orientation will make her want to look around and dig and forget she is broody 🤣. I may just give it a try with Chipie but I'm a bit worried the result would be that she panics and flies off to nowhere !
I've tried locking her up. It doesn't work. She is able to find a position to go back in trance in any uncomfortable situation I can create.
I'm not a chatterer.
Me neither (on the phone. I'm a chatterer on BYC!) but my mum is. I'm lucky she only calls once a month.

Summer is back ! After two cold days it was just lovely today, perfect weather. The ground is very dry again though.
I had confirmation yesterday that Gaston is giving way to Théo. He retreated to let him go in the coop after Merle when she decided to go in. Then when Merle came out again to join Gaston's gang, Théo went after her and brought her back in the coop and Gaston just left honking unhappily. I wonder how this will turn out.
Théo is completely obsessed with Merle. Yesterday he even attacked Mélisse, who is the other hen with Piou-piou who hangs out with him outside, away out of the run so he could stay with Merle only.

Both Merle and Piou-piou have began laying again, and Piou-piou seems a bit better. We are relieved that it wasn't any laying issue, so more likely molting.

And all the hens have begun molting more or less, but for now it looks like they will all do slow molts. Lilly looks very bad but it began before she melted, she pecked all her feathers out from itching I guess.

Someone is thrilled the sun is back.

Annette and Laure. Laure used to be the bigger sister - she has shrunk so much !

Merle is constantly complaining.

Laure again.

Lilly. Here you can see clearly that her feathers are eaten up. She is growing a lot of new ones but she plucks them out faster than they grow.

Broody and angry.

Look what my mum got my partner for his birthday! It's a historical book about wine here. Our region is not well known for it's wine but families have always grown their own vines and made their wine. We saw this book from a very small publisher while trekking in an Italian rifugio a few years ago and I mentioned it to my mum. She went to the trouble of finding it. Such a great present !
I wonder how this will turn out.
My guess is it will be short lived, and Gaston will resume his place as soon as the worst of his moult (from a whole body metabolic perspective, never mind the feathers) is over.

Laure is demonstrating perfectly how much body mass can change with the moult, as well as just general appearance and shape change.

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