Thanksgiving Hatchalong

Need advise please:

I still have chicks that are pipped but the first one haved almost 24 hours ago. I have not opened the incubator, but I am getting worried about the one hatched last night not eating or drinking yet. Do I need to leave it alone, or can I remove the dry ones real fast?

Thank you!!

What kind of incubator are you using? I'm wondering if it can recover quickly with temp and humidity if it's opened. There are 2 schools of thought here- some folks advise not to open it until everyone hatches. Some will take babies out as soon as they are up and running around. A lot of it is what you are most comfortable with. Me- I would probably fall somewhere in the middle. Unless the chick seems weak or is less active and needs to come out right away, I would just get the chick out and into the brooder by tomorrow :)
Need advise please:

I still have chicks that are pipped but the first one haved almost 24 hours ago. I have not opened the incubator, but I am getting worried about the one hatched last night not eating or drinking yet. Do I need to leave it alone, or can I remove the dry ones real fast?

Thank you!!

It's a toss up on how quick your incubator recovers, but the chick will last 2-3 days without food as they use up the yolk first is what I have been told. my lone survivor of last hatch was in there 24 hours and still would only drink for 2 days, if it's slow to recover I would leave it so you do not end up with shrink wrapped chicks as you have some pipped.

I am using a little giant deluxe with egg turner yesterday had a couple of short temp spikes to 102 temp is set to 100.5. oldest eggs were stored for 5 days.

Candled 28 tonight have one that is questionable, but the21 darker eggs cannot see good in them was barely able to make out the air cell. marked them all

6 of the white eggs looking awesome 1 looks to be infertile.

Is it normal for some of the air cells to be about spot on at the day 7 candle while others look to be more at the day 14 range for air cell size?
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It's a toss up on how quick your incubator recovers, but the chick will last 2-3 days without food as they use up the yolk first is what I have been told. my lone survivor of last hatch was in there 24 hours and still would only drink for 2 days, if it's slow to recover I would leave it so you do not end up with shrink wrapped chicks as you have some pipped.

I am using a little giant deluxe with egg turner yesterday had a couple of short temp spikes to 102 temp is set to 100.5. oldest eggs were stored for 5 days.

Candled 28 tonight  have one that is questionable, but the21 darker eggs cannot see good in them was barely able to make out the air cell. marked them all

6 of the white eggs looking awesome 1 looks to be infertile.

Is it normal for some of the air cells to be about spot on at the day 7 candle while others look to be more at the day 14 range for air cell size?

My white eggs and porous eggs always get bigger air cells quicker. Go with your average.
Just wanted to Thank everyone for their advice. The chick seems to be doing ok so we will just keep a close eye while the others are hatching. Thanks again!

Chicken chicks and ducklings can go for a max of 3 days before needing their first meal. Quail chicks need to eat within 24 hours. As long as the chick isn't knocking the rest of the eggs all over the place it should be fine until more have hatched.
Sorry about all the double posts.

Update: I haven't lost any more quail chicks as of yet. Chick 9 (the splay-leg chick) is getting more mobile and keeping its legs beneath itself much better. Chick 13 isn't looking to good. It isn't thrashing about as much, but it still won't open its eyes for more than a second or two and it has done much more than bob its head and kick its legs about. (The only way to adequately describe its movements is like a chick still in the shell.) I hope it improves but morning or the little one will be culled. I just can't sit by and watch it suffer and die.

Of the remaining unhatched eggs; one was tossed (it was cold even in the heat of the incubator.) The other two still have sounds and movement. Hoping for two more quail chicks before the week is over. (I am already planning my next quail eggs hatch, DH just doesn't know yet. lol!)

Chicken egg update: I was definitely wrong with my projected hatch dates. The chicken eggs locked down this afternoon. Now, the first chick has pipped through the shell. Hoping for better chicken egg results than I had with the quail eggs.
I put my 3 set at 12 am on 10/27 into lock down tonight!! (Well, one hour early...)

Of the 10 Araucanas, 6 are developing!
I marked their cells and left them be. 3 were clears, 1 was an early quitter.

Of the Marans eggs, 4 I could see definite veining, the rest were too dark to see w/o meddling too much. Put them on the turner tonight.

Also, all of 5 min after putting the 3 in lock down, boy were they a rockin'!
Sorry about all the double posts.

Update: I haven't lost any more quail chicks as of yet. Chick 9 (the splay-leg chick) is getting more mobile and keeping its legs beneath itself much better. Chick 13 isn't looking to good. It isn't thrashing about as much, but it still won't open its eyes for more than a second or two and it has done much more than bob its head and kick its legs about. (The only way to adequately describe its movements is like a chick still in the shell.) I hope it improves but morning or the little one will be culled. I just can't sit by and watch it suffer and die.

Of the remaining unhatched eggs; one was tossed (it was cold even in the heat of the incubator.) The other two still have sounds and movement. Hoping for two more quail chicks before the week is over. (I am already planning my next quail eggs hatch, DH just doesn't know yet. lol!)

Chicken egg update: I was definitely wrong with my projected hatch dates. The chicken eggs locked down this afternoon. Now, the first chick has pipped through the shell. Hoping for better chicken egg results than I had with the quail eggs.

Good news on the splayed leg chick :) im sure it's a relief that none other than #13 are having issues! Hope that little one pulls through somehow.
Keep us updated on your chicken eggs pipping!

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