The Aloha Chicken Project

I do not understand your shipping failures? I just shipped thirty Bettas from Sandia Park New Mexico (87045) to Harrison Arkansas priority USPS three day delivery; each Betta was in a bag with four ounces of water. The package arrived fine no damage, all fish arrived alive. The shipping box was 14X18X10, lined with one inch Styrofoam and foam pellets top and bottom. I hope everyone understands, all mail and packages are transported by FedEx not the USPS.

If you ship USPS then that is who carries them and us responsible for them. Fed-Ex is an entirely different company and Fed-Ex will not under any circumstances ship eggs. Period. I know because I checked with them. The USPS is the only mailing place that will ship and deliver eggs.

@Deerfield Acres I think a lot of the damage depends on what Post Offices and hubs that they go through. Some people have good/great jobs, sometimes easy work, and just doesn't appreciate it. They want to damage anything and everything and ruin things that make other people happy. So I would imagine that is just what happened to your package.

There have been some that said the conveyors is what does a lot of the damage but you can usually tell the difference in that and what was done in purpose. I would say stab/cut marks was on purpose.
draye, So, FedEx doesn't actually sub for USPS. Well, anyway, I wish there was a way to ship them that they didn't end up scrambled. I think it's great you had such a great hatch with shipped eggs. If I do half as well, I will be over the moon with joy!

I am so hoping I have a good bit that are developing by the 10th day.

I hatched this cockrel and three more almost like him. He is the biggest of the four and the most friendly.
I am loving the look of these! Look at the broken patterning in his wing, and the yellow legs. I really hope they keep their white! Lovely colors. 5moore, do let me know if you are needing anything in your program. Since you are actively hatching I'm happy to send you more eggs if you ever need to expand your flock or add new blood.
If you ship USPS then that is who carries them and us responsible for them. Fed-Ex is an entirely different company and Fed-Ex will not under any circumstances ship eggs. Period. I know because I checked with them. The USPS is the only mailing place that will ship and deliver eggs.

@Deerfield Acres I think a lot of the damage depends on what Post Offices and hubs that they go through. Some people have good/great jobs, sometimes easy work, and just doesn't appreciate it. They want to damage anything and everything and ruin things that make other people happy. So I would imagine that is just what happened to your package.

There have been some that said the conveyors is what does a lot of the damage but you can usually tell the difference in that and what was done in purpose. I would say stab/cut marks was on purpose.
I am also baffled about the obvious dented corners on boxes marked "Fragile" like the first batch of Speckled Sussex eggs that I got from that Ebay seller. And yet the other one was handled great. It's strange how one box can get through unscathed and another looks like it was kicked down the stairs?

Deerfield, I did not get any to hatch from the first Ebay box - the one that had the drop in the corner and several broken eggs inside. I did get a lot of them to start developing, but come lockdown, nothing. So let's hope for the best!

Sure would be nice if the heat didn't make it so difficult to send hatched chicks! I've had such better luck with those!
cgmaster, I wish you had some too! When you gonna get started?

alohachickens, Oh boy, I had forgotten about those ebay eggs. That's not good. I hope and pray I at least get even one lonely, beautiful cockerel.

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