Jump on a blob. I sprained my ankle so bad that I had to use crutches for the rest of the trip and later go to the hospital for an x-ray to ensure it didn't break it. The doctors said it looked like there was a faint hairline fracture but wasn't broken. Even without a break, I was still on crutches for at least a month or so and my ankle took awhile to heal. Not fun when you've got birds to take care of with some of them having a separate run from their coop. (Thankfully those birds were so well trained that I was able to just follow them from their coop to their tractor in the morning and back again in the evening and use the crutches as an extra lead if they got distracted along the way.)
Oh, I have another one. Open an email from someone I don't know. Got an interesting one today that threatened to send the naughty video they have of me, to all my contacts. And they have video of me being on naughty websites. If I don't pay them in 24 hours, they will share all this info to everyone I know and erase all my social media accts. They threatened the wrong person. I have never done anything they threatened me with and am probably one of the most boring people they could threaten. And this is my only social media so go ahead and delete the others because they don't exist!
Have them send me a copy. Just in case. ;)
That's a known scam and you should check your computer for viruses if you opened the attachment.
Open an attachment in the mail I don’t trust completely.

(I always open the email address behind the name who send unwanted info and block the account to come in my regular mail. Next time it comes in spam box).

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