The birb king's chickens

Yokir Jr- Yokohama mix
Ruby, Sylvia, Indigo, Finn, Amber, Violet- Lavender Ameraucanas
Muffin, Ginger, Honey, Foghorn- Wheaten Marans
Tiny Tom, Small Sofia, Miniscule Maddy, Flint, Cookie, Cindy, Hershey, Chocolate- Seramas
Rocky- Barred rock
Buttercup- Buff orpington
Mango- Buff brahma
Yokir Jr- Yokohama mix
Ruby, Sylvia, Indigo, Finn, Amber, Violet- Lavender Ameraucanas
Muffin, Ginger, Honey, Foghorn- Wheaten Marans
Tiny Tom, Small Sofia, Miniscule Maddy, Flint, Cookie, Cindy, Hershey, Chocolate- Seramas
Rocky- Barred rock
Buttercup- Buff orpington
Mango- Buff brahma
thank you so much!
Yokir Jr- Yokohama mix
Ruby, Sylvia, Indigo, Finn, Amber, Violet- Lavender Ameraucanas
Muffin, Ginger, Honey, Foghorn- Wheaten Marans
Tiny Tom, Small Sofia, Miniscule Maddy, Flint, Cookie, Cindy, Hershey, Chocolate- Seramas
Rocky- Barred rock
Buttercup- Buff orpington
Mango- Buff brahma
And how old are they please?

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