The birb king's chickens

4 baby buttons in total. I cracked the other 5 eggs open and most were fully developed but never hatched for some reason. 1st Serama egg has also pipped.
They are so cute!!
I’ve raised Coturnix quail before and I loved them. I really want to get some buttons!
Did the Serama chick hatch?
Sadly the button quail chicks didn't make it. I'm not exactly sure why but I think they got too cold. It sucks I really wanted to see them grow up and what colors they were. I just collected 16 more button quail eggs I'm about to put in the incubator. 6 Seramas ended up hatching in total. I finally got 3 more yellow ones, and judging by the pin feathers it looks like they will stay pure white, so that's pretty cool.
I moved the peafowl back into the middle coop by themselves, and moved the 3 month old chicks into the main flock. I think there is about 13 of them left. I still have 2 cockerals to sell but I'm keeping the rest. Hopefully I can get started on the aviary soon so the peafowl have a bigger better area, especially before winter comes

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