The Buckeye Thread

I think for the most part that people who are attracted to Buckeyes are also mostly following the basic "heritage" ideas - that is, we tend to pick them because they're good, useful free rangers as well as being attractive and functional and delicious.

But nearly any LF APA breed is going to be self-propagating and self-propagated. Whether the adults were raised on pasture has little bearing on whether the chicks can be, though some breeds are more suited to outdoor life than others.

Buckeyes are a great breed and definitely worth preserving as a heritage breed suitable for homesteading and as a serious alternative to the commercial meat cross for a small farm.

Getting your stock from a responsible steward of the breed, whatever breed it is, is a good way to help insure that we will continue to have those responsible stewards doing so.
Imo the whole heritage thing is a scam. Unfortunately the prior administration of the APA allowed Frank Reese to use the APA logo on his products. That was not something I was in favor of. There were a lot of goofy things that happened under the last administration.

Currently up to my noodle in peeps, 4wk olds, 8wk olds and 16wk olds...between my freezer, my mom's freezer and my brother and sister's freezers, I think I about got us covered. Haven't hardly had time to turn around and say "boo". Had a friend, Jerry Couch go up to the Dickson TN double show with his Buckeyes (a 3yr old cock and a cockerel) and some of his buff Orps. He said there were some beautiful birds at that show including Buckeyes with quite the pedigree, you can imagine how pleased he was to take BB in both shows with his old Buckeye cock bird and his Orp won Res. LF Champion at one of the shows. He's proud of his Orps but really loves the Buckeyes...and who wouldn't !?!

Congrats to you friend! Nice to be validated by two different judges on the same day. Doesn't always happen that way at a double show so he must have been a really nice bird to have both judges select him.
Looking for some high quality heritage buckeye chicks for dual purpose use. Must be meaty, good layers and hatch there own young. Any one know a good breeder(s).

Chris McCary is who you are looking for. His birds cover all three things you are looking for. You will find him on the breeder's list in my signature.
Chris McCary is who you are looking for. His birds cover all three things you are looking for.  You will find him on the breeder's list in my signature.

So what you're saying is that he has "heritage" buckeyes? All buckeyes are standard bred poultry per the SOP and all are the three items listed.. Please refer to Fowlman's comment above.
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So what you're saying is that he has "heritage" buckeyes? All buckeyes are standard bred poultry per the SOP and all are the three items listed.. Please refer to Fowlman's comment above.

Hmm don't believe I said a word about heritage. He asked for someone with Buckeyes that had 3 qualities: Meaty, good layers and will hatch their own young. The person I mentioned has Buckeyes with all three of those qualities. Not every line of Buckeyes has all three of those qualities, but Chris has one that does. Hence my recommendation for Big Orps specific request.
Hmm don't believe I said a word about heritage. He asked for someone with Buckeyes that had 3 qualities: Meaty, good layers and will hatch their own young. The person I mentioned has Buckeyes with all three of those qualities. Not every line of Buckeyes has all three of those qualities, but Chris has one that does. Hence my recommendation for Big Orps specific request.

His request was for "heritage" buckeyes with those qualities.

All lines of buckeyes I've had meet that criteria in regards to the three qualities requested. Except for one line which was ALBC based. Those were scrawny, mean and hens were bad at laying and killed their offspring when I allowed them to hatch.

My suggestion is he does research and determine which ones serve his purpose the best. I know a line that has excellent layers, produce quantity and the meat on the carcasses were low in fat, higher yield. If he wants to know he can contact me. I would prefer not to name drop.

Have a great evening :)
You know, I appreciate a spirited discussion and a passionate defense of breed standards as much as anyone, but this nit picking & sniping is getting exhausting. I subscribe to a number of threads on BYC, but this is the only one that has a dominant tone of self promotion and a holier-than-thou attitude among the main contributors. A gentler tone and a generosity of spirit will go a long way toward welcoming interest in the breed that you all love. There are ways to educate without denigrating. That poor person that made the "mistake" of wanting a "heritage" bird got his butt kicked just for asking the "wrong" question. Maybe that wasn't any one person's intent, but that was the cumulative effect. And then when the belittling "re-education" started to die down and someone actually provided the information that was requested, that person got jumped on. It's like a bad soap opera on here. All you accomplished breeders and wanna bes on here need to decide what your goal is and move towards it. If your goals are to jump on every little misstep by a newbie and argue about every little misinterpreted nuance, then you've accomplished those ugly goals already. But if your goals are to promote your breed to newcomers, and to share information among the more advanced breeders to promote overall improvement within the breed, then you've really been falling short.

OK everyone, go ahead and jump all over me for speaking out. It is the tone of this thread, after all.
Hooray! I have a broody buckeye! Since Wednesday she's been giving us the stinkiest of stink eye and her fiercest dragon growl. So I've been in contact with a breeder who will hopefully be shipping me a box full of cuckoo marans eggs on Monday to stick under her. Now I just have to figure out which of the wire dog crates will fit in the coop best and get her set up in a corner all her own.

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