The EE braggers thread!!!

@CorvidLady did you use a pure wheaten ameraucana hen? That roo is really pretty too.
@jerryse I figured with the crele patterning that they had creme legbar in them,because the crepe is basically barring,except with different colors added in,and the barring tends to be stronger with genetics,at least that's what I've noticed.

There is some wheaten in the mix . Trying to weed it out . I am trying for crele auto sexing . I will use him in the spring and select based on chick color . I will add some pics . This is the dad and one of the hens .
This is granddad .
This is great granddad . Well maybe one or two greats on that .
@jerryse I recall seeing those pictures somewhere,but I can't quite put a time on it. Although,crele seems to be the best color to work with when autosexing,just look at the rhodebar,legbar(obviously),isbar, and welbar. Those are all autosexing breeds,and they all have the same,or almost the same,crele coloring.
@jerryse I recall seeing those pictures somewhere,but I can't quite put a time on it. Although,crele seems to be the best color to work with when autosexing,just look at the rhodebar,legbar(obviously),isbar, and welbar. Those are all autosexing breeds,and they all have the same,or almost the same,crele coloring.

I have shared those pics before . Not sure which threads now . Here is a pic of Legbar x Rhodebar .
@CorvidLady I will have to try to get ahold of some golden laced wyandottes and some wheaten ameraucanas. I don't have the wheatens,and for wyandottes I only have a Columbian hen... But I will look into getting some.
That is my point. If crele type barring is bred into a strain,which is easy to do because barring of any type tends to be a strong gene,then it should be fairly easy to get the autosexing gene into a bird or strain of birds. The biggest part is breeding for a specific look or color (variety) and still keeping the autosexing gene dominant within the birds.
Murray Mcmurray and Ideal hatcheries both sell Easter Eggers as well, though they market them as Amiraucana/Araucanas. Ideal even insists to have ''purebred'' Ameraucanas, though they admit their birds are not show quality, and can lay any color of egg.....

I got my first 12 chicks from Ideal 3.5 years ago. After reading up on the EE/Ameraucana thing before my chicks arrived, I sent them an email asking which they were selling. The response was that they are selling Ameraucana because EE isn't a breed
. I have a problem with that since my two "Ameraucana" do/did not match any accepted Ameraucana coloring and the remaining one lays green eggs. Now I don't mind THAT part, I liked them plenty and got 3 more from Meyer this spring because besides the different colored (not white or brown) eggs, they are good layers. Meyer selles EEs. I mind that Ideal insists they are selling something they are not selling and frankly don't understand it since the EE (not) breed is extremely popular. Just be honest for gosh sakes!
I got my first 12 chicks from Ideal 3.5 years ago. After reading up on the EE/Ameraucana thing before my chicks arrived, I sent them an email asking which they were selling. The response was that they are selling Ameraucana because EE isn't a breed
. I have a problem with that since my two "Ameraucana" do/did not match any accepted Ameraucana coloring and the remaining one lays green eggs. Now I don't mind THAT part, I liked them plenty and got 3 more from Meyer this spring because besides the different colored (not white or brown) eggs, they are good layers. Meyer selles EEs. I mind that Ideal insists they are selling something they are not selling and frankly don't understand it since the EE (not) breed is extremely popular. Just be honest for gosh sakes!
My Ideal "Ameraucana" hens are clean faced. They're pretty, but they don't look anything like true Ameraucana. The funny thing is that they have lots of different cross breeds, and they don't try to pass them off as 'pure' breeds; Ideal 236, California Whites, Production Blacks, and a variety of sexlinks to name a few. Last time I checked, none of those are actual 'breeds', either. I don't understand why they just don't sell their 'Ameraucana' as what they really are.
I agree,but hatcheries do that because they want to make more money. The best way to tell what their birds really are is to look at the breed photos they have,look at the prices,and do your research on the breed. Look at cackle hatchery for example. They offer red jungle fowl. They label them as the real deal. Their red jungle fowl are like $3 each. They also have white earlobes,and they have high standing tails. Red jungle fowl should have like,midway tails,RED earlobes,and should cost like $100+ per bird. They most definitely aren't selling the real deal,but that's what they'll tell you,all because they want to make more money. And they sell them cheaper because they have large numbers of them,and they want to sell more birds.

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