The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

We removed Gypsy from the small coop where she's been living with Panda, Tiny and Emily. Her crop has ceased to function and she is very weak, but like a zombie, she just keeps walking slowly around. We put her in the hospital cage with a heat lamp to rest and watch the comings and goings of the various groups from overhead. Bless her heart, she's been the best hen. She and Zane were so bonded and I know she missed him when he passed away. Just think of all the birds she's seen come and go in her 11 1/2 years...Love that sweet, beautiful hen. Hey @seminolewind, guess she's going to meet up with her sister Valerie soon. She lived a very long life and was feisty up until a week ago.
Gypsy in the pen visiting Zane.
She's just tired and ready to go and her sisters are watching out for her. Tom took her out of the cage and put her back. She was staring longingly out the door, so he thought she'd be happier with them. And they'll take care of her.
On another note, Amanda made it to 12 years old this month and to celebrate, she laid an egg today!
She's just tired and ready to go and her sisters are watching out for her. Tom took her out of the cage and put her back. She was staring longingly out the door, so he thought she'd be happier with them. And they'll take care of her.
On another note, Amanda made it to 12 years old this month and to celebrate, she laid an egg today!
Today I feel the same way. Tired and ready to go.
It’s so sad when we lose a beloved pet :( I’m sorry she’s fading. Your hens are lucky to live such long, loved, lives.

This is what’s left of my poor Clara’s comb after last week. She lost even more than I originally thought.
At least now maybe they’ll pick on her less, they were always going after her big comb because she’d injure it on things, especially in the winter when it would get dry and bleed easier.
Your poor hen. My Wendy had her entire comb pulled off. I cannot imagine that, poor thing. Barely recognize her.

My son is re-motivated, it seems:

Fat Boy Beat Down
1 hr ·
WhooHoo! I didn’t hear no fat lady Singin yet!!! What plateau! Down another 6lbs this week! So close to sub 300 I can freaking taste it! Now down a total of 75lbs!


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