The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Today was not too good of a day. My cat, Emma, died. She was an orange tabby. She was around 14 years old, as best as we can figure. She's had cancer for awhile now. Last month she began going downhill. She was not in pain, and passed peacefully in her sleep.
Today was not too good of a day. My cat, Emma, died. She was an orange tabby. She was around 14 years old, as best as we can figure. She's had cancer for awhile now. Last month she began going downhill. She was not in pain, and passed peacefully in her sleep.
I'm so sorry, Cheryl! She had a good life, I know for sure, knowing you. Our orange tabby is by best vet's guess, about 11 1/2 years old but he's mostly blind. He's been here ten years come Nov 4. The vet said he would not live past 15 with his eyes this way and he has been sleeping a lot more lately, same as Emma.
Finn still travels down our 200 ft driveway and across the road (no traffic, mainly an extension of our driveway) to visit the neighbor's cat; the neighbor herself died four years ago, her son lives there and I have no idea if he even sees my cat. I'm not even sure her cat is still living, but Finn goes and sits on her big gas bottle or just on the bank that goes up to her cabin. And my husband takes his cane to go look for him if he doesn't come home soon after he's called. One day, he likely won't come home. I prefer he pass safe and curled up on the bed. Orange tabbies are the best cats! My former cat hater husband is a convert, at least to this sweet cat. They are so attached to each other. He'll be beside himself when it's Finn's time to go. Hugs to you!
There is one thing I'm grateful for, and that's that she didn't outlive me. I don't say that for selfish reasons. I've already had a couple people offer me kittens. NOPE. When I commit to owning an animal, it's for their entire life. Unless we get this cancer back under control, I would not have enough time left, to fulfill my obligation, and that's not fair to the animal. That may not be everyone's opinion, but it's my opinion, and I'm the one that has to live with my choices.
Emma (1).JPG
Everyone on this Atlas thread, I have a very sad announcement that I wish I did not have to make. Our friend, Cheryl, getaclue, has passed from this life. oldhenlikesdogs sent me a PM, then I saw immediately that her husband had posted a message for me here on the Speckledhen's 10 Commandments thread afterward and called him. Cheryl battled cancer since 2007 with courage and dignity. She was one of the smartest, bravest, most honest and forthright women I ever knew and I will miss her desperately, as I know many of you will. Keep her husband, Mark, in your prayers-when a presence like hers leaves us, there is a huge hole for a very long time. It is so hard to believe she is gone, we shared so many great talks in private messaging as well as on the phone. Godspeed, my friend. I'll never forget you. 😢
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Everyone on this Atlas thread, I have a very sad announcement that I wish I did not have to make. Our friend, Cheryl, getaclue, has passed from this life. oldhenlikesdogs sent me a PM, then I saw immediately that her husband had posted a message for me here on the Speckledhen's 10 Commandments thread afterward and called him. Cheryl battled cancer since 2007 with courage and dignity. She was one of the smartest, bravest, most honest and forthright women I ever knew and I will miss her desperately, as I know many of you will. Keep her husband, Mark, in your prayers-when a presence like hers leaves us, there is a huge hole for a very long time. It is so hard to believe she is gone, we shared so many great talks in private messaging as well as on the phone. Godspeed, my friend. I'll never forget you. 😢
My condolences to you. She sounds like she was a great and cherished friend.
Cheryl was a lovely woman and a loyal supporter. She was also very funny, informed, knowledgeable, intelligent, honest; I can't say enough about her. Her husband told me that she wanted to be cremated and her ashes spread on and around her chicken coop and it sounds just like her. Her husband said that he had heard a lot about me, LOL, all about my chickens, etc. Sounds like Cheryl.
My first predator loss was averted just a bit before I heard about Cheryl's passing so I feel a little shell-shocked right now. A hawk had a hen who was screaming to beat the band and I got to her before he could do any real damage. I only got the impression of what it was as it flew away, maybe a Cooper's Hawk or a Sharp Shinned, long barred tail. Dove is a lucky hen and I hope her luck holds out. I still can't believe we have never had a predator loss, not in the 20 years we've had chickens and our luck may be breaking soon on that count.
And one of Atlas's daughters, Athena, who is 9 years old, was very off this morning. Her head was tilting to the right, she was weak and her comb was that dusky purple. She also appeared dazed and unsteady. I guess her time is near.

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