Della did the squatting thing today. This is the first time I've seen it because none of the others have done it. She came running up to me when I came outside and when I reached to pet her she squatted. It was so funny. I just petted her and said "you're about to lay aren't you!?" Lol
I have three hens (Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, and Australorp) and just got my first two eggs this morning. Unfortunately, they were a disappointment. One was entirely crushed and the other looked like it had a pecking-hole in it and was soft shelled. I've just placed calcium in their run for them to eat as desired.

The BR had been squatting for three weeks now and the RIR and Australorp have been squatting for a week or so. The BR is two weeks older, so really they all started squatting at close to the same age. I know early laying can have irregular results. Is it possible for one chicken to lay two eggs in a single night at first or is it certain those eggs came from different hens?

I've had ceramic eggs in the nesting boxes for 2+ weeks now. Hopefully, they will soon get the idea that is where they belong and they won't be eating them.
I have three hens (Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, and Australorp) and just got my first two eggs this morning. Unfortunately, they were a disappointment. One was entirely crushed and the other looked like it had a pecking-hole in it and was soft shelled. I've just placed calcium in their run for them to eat as desired.

The BR had been squatting for three weeks now and the RIR and Australorp have been squatting for a week or so. The BR is two weeks older, so really they all started squatting at close to the same age. I know early laying can have irregular results. Is it possible for one chicken to lay two eggs in a single night at first or is it certain those eggs came from different hens?

I've had ceramic eggs in the nesting boxes for 2+ weeks now. Hopefully, they will soon get the idea that is where they belong and they won't be eating them.
I would say it's about 99% certain that two hens layed. I've watched mine that started laying and she sometimes plays a bit with the ceramic eggs moving them around before she sits to lay. Then she inspects the egg she layed. If it had a soft shell the pecking hole may have been accidental.
I have three hens (Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, and Australorp) and just got my first two eggs this morning. Unfortunately, they were a disappointment. One was entirely crushed and the other looked like it had a pecking-hole in it and was soft shelled. I've just placed calcium in their run for them to eat as desired.

The BR had been squatting for three weeks now and the RIR and Australorp have been squatting for a week or so. The BR is two weeks older, so really they all started squatting at close to the same age. I know early laying can have irregular results. Is it possible for one chicken to lay two eggs in a single night at first or is it certain those eggs came from different hens?

I've had ceramic eggs in the nesting boxes for 2+ weeks now. Hopefully, they will soon get the idea that is where they belong and they won't be eating them.

When pullets first start laying, some can have troubles with their laying equipment and yes, they can lay eggs with no shell, thin shells, membranes only or even just yolks. They can also lay more than one yolk a day.

I have found that the early layers like Barred Rocks that start laying around 5 months of age are more prone to laying issues. Whereas breeds like Australorps that generally dont begin laying until 6 or more months have less trouble.

A pullet will continue to grow well into her first year. My hens didn't top out until they were nearly 2 years old. So at 5 months, organs are still growing, body parts are still developing and the egg laying machine has not yet fully developed. Each month the organs grow and mature more.

So, all this being said, give your birds time to grow and age. Their eggs will improve over time as will size, shape and quality. Definitely offer up oyster shell too.

It also takes them a while to know they even need to lay an egg. Their intentions may be good when they see the fake eggs in the nest boxes, but still they run around in the run and an egg plops out. Eventually they learn the sensation of needing to head to the nest box.

Good luck with your birds! :)
Della did the squatting thing today. This is the first time I've seen it because none of the others have done it. She came running up to me when I came outside and when I reached to pet her she squatted. It was so funny. I just petted her and said "you're about to lay aren't you!?" Lol
That is neat. :)
My Red EE laid a beautiful olive green egg yesterday for the first time.

I was surprised it was olive because she has yellow legs so I was expecting a brown egg. I thought EEs had to have green or slate legs to lay green, blue or olive eggs.

I learn something new! Always exciting.
I can't wait until my EES start laying. I know you were excited to get a olive egg
What breed is Ginger? I haven't cooked any of ours up yet. Really wondering what is taking three or four of the others so long to start.
Ginger is a Columbian rock cross from Agway which I think got them from Benedicks in CT - very very sweet chickens - Ginger has a much larger comb than MaryAnn, another cross we got at the very same age - I guess like people, each mature differently

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