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Here is Samantha, our Easter Egger with the brighter green legs - and our FIRST BLUE EGG - it's actually a bigger pullet egg than the Columbian Rocks - what concerned me was that under the nesting material which is a pre-made nest with a paper bottom - the paper looked wet - could that be from her when she laid the egg - or from another going into the nest not laying an egg - everyone seems to be just fine - in you experiences when they first start laying how consistent or inconsistent are they?


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Mary had me spoiled. She lay an almost large size egg yesterday. Today nobody layed anything at all. Summer, Della and Chickoletta are all making lots of noise and have big, red waddles, combs and faces but no eggs yet. Waiting for the others is killing me! Lol
I'm a little late but my hens finally did start laying:ya.We got our first egg 7/31 and have gotten eggs everyday since then. It was also perfect timing because my mom and I went on vacation 8/1 for a week. I will post a picture when my computer isn't acting up, it was such a small and perfect little brown egg. We have recently started getting four eggs a day with my late bloomer a week away :yesss:.
View attachment 1110858 Here is Samantha, our Easter Egger with the brighter green legs - and our FIRST BLUE EGG - it's actually a bigger pullet egg than the Columbian Rocks - what concerned me was that under the nesting material which is a pre-made nest with a paper bottom - the paper looked wet - could that be from her when she laid the egg - or from another going into the nest not laying an egg - everyone seems to be just fine - in you experiences when they first start laying how consistent or inconsistent are they?
She looks a lot like my ameraucana except for the tail feathers. Mary has been laying green eggs but they've always had some blue in them. It seems like they get more blue each day.
View attachment 1110858 Here is Samantha, our Easter Egger with the brighter green legs - and our FIRST BLUE EGG - it's actually a bigger pullet egg than the Columbian Rocks - what concerned me was that under the nesting material which is a pre-made nest with a paper bottom - the paper looked wet - could that be from her when she laid the egg - or from another going into the nest not laying an egg - everyone seems to be just fine - in you experiences when they first start laying how consistent or inconsistent are they?
Regarding inconsistency, Mary skipped one whole day after her first egg. Then one a day since. I have gotten one bantam egg but it was three or four days ago now and nothing since. But they're all younger. Maybe that makes a difference. Plus they naturally take a little more than 24 hours to ready the next egg for laying.
How about a new look at my girls?
I didn't get a good one of Mary but she's in the middle here behind Summer and in front of Louise. Summer has had that bright red comb for awhile now but still no eggs.
Here we have Della. She too has been red faced for awhile but no eggs.
Here's Chickoletta. Again, big red comb for weeks but no eggs yet.
Apparently the others need to be in a separate post or something.
Apparently the one if my black copper Maran won't load.

This one is Buttercup, a Sicilian buttercup who has sustained some abuse from her older siblings. Hence the missing tail feathers. But they're doing ok now.
And this is the whole crew not including our four bantams from another coop. They'll have a photo shoot soon. Lol
These are my girls I'm waiting to start getting eggs from, minus Mary the only one who is laying consistently. I'm proud of them, so sorry, not sorry. Lol


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How about a new look at my girls?
I didn't get a good one of Mary but she's in the middle here behind Summer and in front of Louise. Summer has had that bright red comb for awhile now but still no eggs.
View attachment 1111935
Here we have Della. She too has been red faced for awhile but no eggs.
View attachment 1111938
Here's Chickoletta. Again, big red comb for weeks but no eggs yet.
View attachment 1111939
Apparently the others need to be in a separate post or something.
Thry are beautiful

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