The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

I caught a gigantic opossum Thursday night. The weather has been super cold and very wet. It rained all day yesterday. I went out and fed Saturday morning and found the Lavender Silver-laced pullet dead on the floor of the coop. No idea what happened. I'd planned on breeding splits this year anyway, but I'm very frustrated with the whole ordeal. Guess I'll be ordering more chicks this spring...
I caught a gigantic opossum Thursday night. The weather has been super cold and very wet. It rained all day yesterday. I went out and fed Saturday morning and found the Lavender Silver-laced pullet dead on the floor of the coop. No idea what happened. I'd planned on breeding splits this year anyway, but I'm very frustrated with the whole ordeal. Guess I'll be ordering more chicks this spring...
Oh no! So sorry, she was so pretty.😔
Oh no! So sorry, she was so pretty.😔

Thanks. Leopold, the cockerel is doing well. By the time the hens start laying again, he should be good to go with them. I haven't heard him crow yet, so he's got some more maturing to do. I hope he matures into a better looking adult. English Orpington cockerels are always kind of meh, until they hit 6 months. And then they still aren't amazing until after they are a year old. Papa's Poultry has Lavender Silver-laced ($30 each for day-old chicks). So I'll probably place an order and have them include a few in it and then get some more from the original breeder. Hopefully having them sent directly to me will ensure the chicks do better with me.
I haven't heard him crow yet, so he's got some more maturing to do. I hope he matures into a better looking adult. English Orpington cockerels are always kind of meh, until they hit 6 months.
My laced orp cockerels are literally the slowest maturing birds I've ever experienced. They start mating attempts around 7-9 months, but nothing is actually fertile until the male is 12+ months.

Awesome (my SLO) is the top roo and Mr Fluffy Butt (my lav without a real name) is bigger but still second. So far they're getting along and I've seen both mating occasionally.

My problem now is that only Jewel (a 5 year old orp) and 2 Leghorns are laying. I have a very broody silkie hen and no decent eggs to give her. If I can't break her broodiness, I may have to give her a couple serama eggs. @homeschoolin momma - Do you have any orps producing eggs right now? I put 2 of Jewel's eggs aside, but someone ate breakfast and now they're gone.
I have 0 eggs. Not even spitzies. I get 1 serama egg every 2-3days.
:eek: Wow! That is bad!

I get 1 sometimes 2 eggs from the bantams each day. They are in a darkened garage in addition to the shortened days. I don't expect much from them.

Cookie is my oldest orp. Then comes Jewel. It's funny that Jewel's the only orp laying. Most of my flock is young. Darling molted in late summer. She looks amazing now .... but no eggs. My 2 pullets have yet to start, and my 3 laced are still molting.
Is that the famous Cookie, mother of all chicks she can see?
Yes. That's the one.

I seriously have no idea how many chicks she's mothered so far. This year she only went broody 2 times. (3 times if you count now. I've been trying to talk her out of it for 2 weeks) She adopted over 40 April babies and another 2 dozen in late summer. Most were chickens, but she also temporally got 5 quail, 17 turkeys, and 6 ducklings this year. It was because I hatched for others and didn't feel like setting up another brooder. I just added them to Cookie's brood for a few days and she gladly accepted them.

Here's Cookie with some poults. :lau
6-3 Cookie.JPG

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