The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

I feel your pain on eggs. The Silver-laced haven't laid in two weeks at least. The BBS pen is laying but the F1 Blue SL pullet is in there and I can't tell her eggs apart so I'm not collecting them. The older White hens are molting and the pullets haven't started. One of the Chocolates is laying but the Chocolate rooster isn't breeding yet (I don't think), but the dumb little SIlkie rooster is and I'm certainly not hatching anything until he's been out of that pen for a few weeks. The Lemon-blue Cochins are on a break. The Seramas are laying like Leghorns though because they are inside and have lights. @Faraday40 how do you have your feed set up for your Seramas inside? Mine are wasting so much food.
@ColtHandorf this is what we use. @Farady40 has the blueprint for it.


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Some fluffy butts for your enjoyment.
Lavender bowling ball. Shes gorgeous and she knows it!

Lila, my sweet,small, mostly likely American orp. She turns 5 on March 5.


Lav rooster. While his comb is bad, its not as bad as it seems. He lost points last year due to frostbite.

A-hole flogged me on the back of my hand while taking pictures. He didn't get his picture taken. Just a boot to the chest.
@homeschoolin momma
Your BB and my Darling look like twins. Of course they're literally sisters, so that explains a lot.
:loveI love when Darling walks up to me, cocks her beautiful face, and then waits expectantly for treats. If I don't give her anything, she glides away and then returns 5 min later to see if I changed my mind.

My other lav orp (Calamity) also expects treats, but she's got that intense, curious personality. IF I do not give her attention, she will get in my face until I acknowledge her. (The other lav pullet looked better, but I just couldn't resist Calamity's antics. Calamity stayed.) I also kept one black orp pullet for companionship, but she's the opposite. Chaos dislikes attention and actually runs away from me. Yes, she will come up for treats, but she squawks her displeasure if I dare pet her. She's my wild-child. Not sure if she'll end up staying, but for now she's my only black.

BTW- Your lav boy looks so much better with a tail. He now stands tall and proud.
Be grateful your lav boy doesn't have a comb like "Wonky."
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It is my desire to find someway to separate this lavender with miss curious and the other blacks, while putting A-hole with the lavender girls. Just got to figure out how.
I'd put the lav & Miss Curious in a chicken tractor for a month. Don't collect eggs for the 1st 2 weeks. After that, use the breeding pen for laced for the next month.

If your tractor is needed for the other birds..... Maybe you could move the small chicken coop to a corner. Use existing fence and add some garden fencing to enclose them. Add hawk netting or something on top.

What I find is that my groups who were stuck in the tractor for a few months, still hang out together when added back into the flock.
this is what we use.

That looks great. I wonder if I'd be able to duplicate it. I'm not very good with little fiddly things like that. lol

Lavender bowling ball.

I need some of these. I'm hoping my Black Mottled/Lavender babies mature into good fluffy bowling balls. It's so hard to find English Lavender Orpingtons down here. Everyone has the Lavenders that barely look like Orpingtons. Occasionally you find a good looking one, but they still aren't fluffy and round like that.

I love when Darling walks up to me, cocks her beautiful face, and then waits expectantly for treats. If I don't give her anything, she glides away and then returns 5 min later to see if I changed my mind.

That's adorable. Mine were all begging for treats yesterday while I was working on putting out the last of the mulch. Or at least trying. I probably have eight or nine more loads to do.

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