The Incredible, Inedible, Mr. Smith

Picture from today, washed again with saline, didnt get all the old SS cream off because wound scrubbing was making me shakey, re-applied SS cream on the whole area. He had cooked hamburger last night and peas, some scrabbled yolk, today he had bananas, baby applesauce, greek yogurt. He fell asleep standing today, Im scared they means hes still exhausted, but happy he isnt sitting on his belly anymore. Hes eating some of the SS cream so Ill have to get him a baby onesie to keep his out of it.
Mr smith crowed today, I guess he was feeling good! Took some pictures of his wounds before slathering on more SS cream, one picture with and one without flash. Last week we soaked and peeled off the old SS cream, and accidentally some yucky top layer of scab I think? He was pretty depressed after that, didnt eat much for two days, and turns out he is covered in wee lice, so Ive been dusting him with a sock filled with DE.


Ive been kind lazy on putting his SS cream on, but checked him today and it looks great! Put a little SS on it last night but I think its all easy sailing from now on out hopefully. Still have months to go Im sure. Not sure if anyone is still following or not
What an improvement! Mr Smith is so lucky to have you to care so much about him. He looks like he is well on the road to recovery. The hardest part now will be reintroducing him to your flock after a long absence. (Especially if he has got used to the easy life of a being a house chicken!). Well done for all your care and attention so far - keep updating us, as info like that is always useful for others going through similar problems.
The good/bad news is only two other chickens survived so Im sure they will be happy for more chicken company from gentle mr smith. I think due to feather loss he may end up having to be inside until next spring, house chicken for the next 5 months or more if hes real lucky. Hes going to be disappointed when hes not getting fresh cooked breakfast each morning though thats for sure!
Mr. Smith should have some award for being so Incredible and him!!!!

Well done with his care..he is so very lucky to have you too!!!
If the bear comes back and I have to kill it, Mr smiths reward can be a bear skin rug in the coop! Im so scared that its going to attack again, oddly Im the only person on my street to have a bear issue, every ones trash including mine has been untouched all year. Must have been a random wandering bear that found them in the yard :(
Ive been kind lazy on putting his SS cream on, but checked him today and it looks great! Put a little SS on it last night but I think its all easy sailing from now on out hopefully. Still have months to go Im sure. Not sure if anyone is still following or not :/
Wow, he looks so much better! -Kathy
Good news and bad news, checked on Mr smith, hes almost fully feathered over his wound, still a pink patch about an inch by inch piece, bad news is he ripped himself while running from me, right on the crease from the body to the leg, hopefully that didnt set us back too far :(
So the bonding between you and The Inedible Mr. Smith didn't make him a lap chicken huh? Lol. He looks great. Unfortunate that he has another wound tho. Im following, by the way.

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