The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

We questioned it for a while, but now that we're down to 2 laying ducks... I check the coop daily and there was one February day in which the nest had 5 eggs. No possible chance of anything else laying them.

I've asked on this site before if it was any cause for concern, most say it's either impossible or not a big deal. :confused: She's definitely the friskiest hen and flirts the most, but our bully duck was actually a slacker in the egg department. At least as far as khaki campbell expectations go.
wow. know I feel so dumb:barnie:lau
Has anyone out there ever hatched a female duck (she's young, but quacking) that grows a drake feather? I've got one now and I'm confused.

It looks like I'm going to have to go ahead and buy some ducks if I want to keep campbelling because everything I hatch this year is turning out male, extra small and stunted, or weird. Lots of males. My breeders aren't related though, is the catch. The female I'm trying to hatch from is just 5+ years old. Now we're far enough in the laying season that her eggs have become porus again, and they do not develop even under broodies of various species. I wonder if we'll get any viable eggs out of her next spring and I'll try again...She's a very nice, friendly campbell that laid a whole lot. I'd love to save some progeny if she can give me some normal ladies.
Sheesh, over achievers! I think I might have to either wait and see or vent sex her and see what I find. I vented her as a day old duckling and sexed her female and the other 3 ducks male, but you know, everything's female when you're inexperienced. The feather is even more prominent today, but she's still definitely QUACK, QUACK, QUACKING (LOUDLY at times, as young ducks do) and not peeping or quaaaaaacking.
Have you posted a picture of her? Maybe she just got her feathers bent. lol

I have heard of hormonal changes in older hens causing them to get the drake feather and chickens hens crowing but this is too young for hormonal changes.
Since that's easier than venting a juvie duck, I think that will be just what I do. She was one of the ducks quacking for part of the time. The video's not super clear, but barring picking her up (my khakis consider that an assault) that's what I've got at the moment.

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