The Life and Times of Miss Decibel.

Congrats on a successful move! Sounds like they are enjoying their new digs
Whew! We had a scary Morning!

Mom came out to give us our morning chicky treats, and almost had a heart attack!

There was no peeping from us and the 9 month old barn cat had managed to get himself inside our coop! Luckily we were dead silent and huddled around our heat cave. The kitten never got any of us! Although he did finish off our chicky treats we didn’t eat before going to bed.

After Mom kicked him out and called to us, we all rushed out and became active chickies, ate, drank, and attacked the cornbread in mom’s hands. Within a few minutes the kitten showed mom how he got in.

He had managed to squeeze himself between the slats on the door into the barn. A couple slats had been placed a bit further apart on this wall. The gap was only 2 1/2”! This time He did notice us, but mom scooped him up and kicked him out before he could catch any of us. He was soon distracted by his morning meal and Mom quickly put up some old paneling over the wider spaces. Now the rascal can’t get in!

Otherwise we have adjusted to our new home well! We don’t really explore the far end very much unless Mom is with us. We like her treats, and like to peck at her muck boots if she doesn’t have any. A couple of the Buff Orp sisters like to actually sit on her knee.

Hawthorn (the SLW roo Mom is sure about), likes to dig next to her feet, and is already showing gentlemanly rooster behavior. He is mellow, but will call to the others when he finds treats, even if he dives right in as he is doing so. One time Mom Sneezed, startling us! Hawthorn trilled and everyone ran into the nearest hide-e-hole. It wasn’t until Hawth came back out by mom, that everyone else came back out to play. He also doesn’t have many fights/challenges from the other chicks- just an occasional peck on the head. Mom hopes he will be a good rooster.

Mom is still not sure how many of the SLW are roos, a couple could be either or. And the Brahmas are anyone’s guess.

Well I must go eat more treats!
Hello All!

Soon we will be 4 weeks old! We have doubled our size again! At night we don't even all use the heat cave.

The bigs are almost done with our run! Just needs the fence over the top. The run is 9 feet wide for about 25 feet, then tapers back to the barn for the last 10 feet, for a total of about 275sqft. Mom says we will also be able range more when we are older.

Our pop door will be on the far end by the taper. Mom says that it will be painted later in the year, just need to replace a few more boards first.

Today was a fun day! Even though we don't have our own door, Mom brought us out for a few hours.

We loved all the space! We have several hidey holes, branches, rocks, a couple of metal shelters, and even an old tractor tire to play around in. The grass is starting to grow, and we enjoyed munching on it.

The brahma siblings were the first to discover they could scratch and bathe in the dirt! And soon we were all trying it!

This is a favorite corner! There are a couple clover plants that are bright green, along with moist soil to dig in. One of us even found a worm to play keep away with!

Here I am. I am still the smallest, but my siblings Ember and Mystic are also small, so I am not alone. There are two Brahma's Mom thinks are boys- and they are triple my size! but they are ultra gentle.

See here- I am the blur in the top left corner- next to one of the brahma hens. Directly in the middle is Mystic- with the bright white chest, and black feathers. She is streaching, but otherwise isn't so big.

This is Imp- She was a part of a brown layer pullet mix, but Mom is thinking she is looking rooish- her comb is starting to show pink at the base. If Imp is a roo, Imp will have to go to camp, because Mom can only keep a couple roos. Otherwise Imp is curious and friendly. She will even hop on Mom's lap and hang out.

This is Ginger! She is a Buff Orp. She is very Friendly! She was the first to hang out on Mom's lap. Every time mom visits she will peck at her shoes until she lets her in her lap. She is also the only one of us who likes to be pet. She is slowly showing us that it is okay to hang out on mom.
It's always fun to see little ones discovering the great outdoors. Love it when the little fuzz butts take their dust baths!
So it's been awhile since I've been around.

We grew very quickly, and before Mom knew it we were laying eggs!

Mom found the first tiny eggs on July 2nd, and I laid my first egg a couple weeks after! Soon we were drowning her in eggs!

Mom was very busy with work and health issues so Fud Guy was the feeding us mostly, and he isn't interested in Cameras, so there are no pictures for awhile.

In August we had a tragedy! A Fox! So many of us were lost! Myself included.

Ten of my siblings Survived!- We have Imp (BR), Mystic (Australorp), Smudge (Blue Cochin) 2 light Brahma girls, 2 Easter eggers, 2 Welsomers, And the Roo- Beaker (SLW)

Here is Imp- She is ALL girl and quite grown up! Here she is contemplating going broody...

Some of us Hanging out In the coop avoiding the damp weather.

The only Surviving Roo- A SLW who we call Beaker- He has a severe cross beak, that started showing as a teen, and we are hoping it's not genetic! Mom plans on getting some more chicks, and getting a new roo. Beaker is very sweet and gentle, So the cross beak is very unfortunate. Mom is surprised her has thrived so well!

Some of us are brave enough to hang out in the damp! Fluffy Butt Smudge is also been contemplating going broody!

A colorful set of eggs that was laid yesterday or today!

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