The Missing Heir RP

Kira stayed quiet while sitting on her horse. Shhe watched the men, noticing that Randel looked like Aeron. She did not let her curiosity make her reveal herself. She watched the men and her companions.
Aeron's eyes widened in shock as the awful truth sunk in, then the anger, that he had held deep in him for years took over. He wrenched out his sword from it's sheath and tried to dodge around Karok, the only thought in his hate clouded mind was of killing Randel, the man that had killed his mother.

It took Randel a moment longer then Aeron to figure out what Agatha could mean, Shares my blood?! How could that– and then it hit him, a memory of a lovely Wildfolk lass, screaming for him to let her go... He reached for his bow, and pulled out an arrow.
Out of instinct, Karok lunged forward with Aeron to keep him shielded with his armor and buckler. He did not know the reason for the assault but, his only thought was to protect the man he was in debt to.

Agatha growled and a gold light poured from her eyes. The aura enveloped her body as she whipped the dirt up into a flurry of dust and snow. The earth obeyed her every thought, and trembled below Randel.
Randel raised the bow, aiming to fire just to the side of the Zurian warrior and shot the boy in the neck. But his aim was thrown off as the ground shook, and his steed spooked, and the arrow glanced off the Karok's armored shoulder instead of skewering his son...

"Let's go!" Dalibor yelled, a note of panic in his tone as his steed reared, Sture and Bogdan obeyed and the three kicked their horses to a gallop, speeding away. But Elis made some short of war-cry and charged towards Karok, swinging his long sword wildly in the air.

Randel growled and pulled out his sword, knowing the arrows would be useless with the shaking ground, and was about to charge Aeron, when he saw his companions fleeing...


Lena had stayed in the back the whole time, and had almost ran when the fight broke out. She reached for her bow that was strapped to her saddle, fumbling with it, then notched an arrow and aimed for Elis.

The arrow struck his shoulder, but he seemed not to notice, his eyes were wide and crazed with bloodlust...
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Kira had to take a moment to settle her horse before being able to grab her bow and set an arrow, firing quickly at the two men fighting them. Her hood fell back, uncovering her dark hair and emerald eyes that marked her as pureblood Wildfolk. She didn't know why they were attacking, but was willing to fight with her friends anyway.
Isabella had watched the whole encounter quietly, she hadn't a thought of what to do until the man charged. She was glad she had chosen to ride her largest of steeds. She drew her sword cutting the rode from her saddle to the other horses halter. The rope broke easily over the sharpened sword the tall thin horse standing quietly following it's training without hesitation the pony behind it snorting quietly. The stallion sensing the tension in the air snorted lurching forward when Isabella barely tapped his sides with her feet.
Karok swing his shield and bashed the crazed man to the ground. The Zurian stood tall and glanced around quickly to see Aeron. He was conflicted and tried to decide if he should finish off the archer or rush the swordsman.
Kira's arrow had lodged in Elis's chest, and he hadn't even flinched, he howled like a wolf as Karok's shield bashed into him and threw him off the horse. But he wasn't down for long, he leaped to his feet, pulling out a dagger from his belt as he did, then charged the Zurian warrior, screaming like a banshee, the arrows still in him.

Randel ducked Kira's arrow, then charged towards Aeron, who had out striped Karok now that the Zurian had a new enemy. Aeron parried the man's first attack with his own sword as the horse reached him, then stabbed out at Randel, but he was blocked. The snow dancing around them, it fell thicker and thicker as they circled each other, neither being able to land a blow, but they were tiring...

Aeron had not used a sword in many years, and was starting to slip up, and that's when Randel's sword, sliced deep into Aeron's upper sword arm. He dropped the sword as his arm fell died to his side, white hot pain shooting through his whole body, and then He felt Randel's sword at his throat. Aeron looked up at him slowly, hate in his eyes, blood gushing from his arm, they looked at each other for a moment, father and son...
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Seeing Aeron in peril distracted Karok from the charging man. Elis' war cry warned Karok, and the Zurian spun around just in time to avoid being stabbed in the back. Instead, the dagger pierced Karoks leg through the chain mail. Stumbling, he drew his sword and tried to stand quickly.
Isabella's horse powered through the tall snow, the snow flying in the air. Isabella headed towards Aeron/Malcolm and Randel sword raised.

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