The Missing Heir RP

Elis stumbled forward, landing in the snow, the arrow in his chest snapped, but the one in his shoulder was made with elven magic, and pierced straight through the muscle on impact. He cried out, getting to his feet again, knife laying in the snow where he had dropped it. He charged Karok again, not seeming to care that the Zurian was armed.

Randel knew he had time to slit Aeron's throat and still get away before the woman reached them, but...
Isabella let out a short shout as her horse tripped and fell landing on her leg. She wasn't sure what had happened but the horse snorted jerking it's body trying to stand giving Isabella enough time to get her leg out from under. The horse snorted unable to get up, it's reins tangled in it's legs. Isabella hurried to the horses legs trying to untangle the reins a limp in her walk. She helped her horse up glancing back at the others, she made sure her horse was alright before going to grab her sword. She couldn't feel her leg and was pretty sure it was from the cold or what.
"I dost not mind," Thea replied, smiling.

They rode through the woods, and night was fast approaching, off on the horizon they could see the snow capped mountains, "We should make camp, the woods can be dangerous at e'en." Thea commented as they travailed through a particularly thick part of the forest on a dirt road.
Nanami slowed her horse and looked at Thea expectantly. "Likely nothing to difficult to handle." She muttered, looking into the woods.
Karok stepped towards the attacker and thrusted his sword out to impale him. The blood spilled down his leg and dyed the snow a deep red.

Agatha was enraged at the sight of Randel's sword at Aerons throat. Growling in anger, the ground trembled at her very thought and a sizable pine tree began to topple towards them.
Isabella finally found her sword. She grabbed the sword and began trudging through the snow back towards Randel and Aeron.
Karok's sword impaled Elis, he groaned, eyes glazed, and collapsed, dead at the Zurian's feet.

Randel heard the tree begin to fall, saw Elis crumble to the ground, and made a split seconds decision. He pulled the sword away from Aeron and kicked his horse to a gallop, narrowly escaping tree limbs as he sped away after his companions.

Aeron dropped to the ground and rolled to the side, just getting out of the tree's way before it crashed in to the snow. He stood, then stumbled, his arm and side were drenched with blood from the wound on his arm. But he couldn't let that man escape, and at that thought, his horse run to his side. One handed and disorientated from loss of blood, he tried to climb into the saddle, Aeron cursed loudly, he was having trouble just getting his foot in the stirrup.
Karok's sword impaled Elis, he groaned, eyes glazed, and collapsed, dead at the Zurian's feet.

Randel heard the tree begin to fall, saw Elis crumble to the ground, and made a split seconds decision. He pulled the sword away from Aeron and kicked his horse to a gallop, narrowly escaping tree limbs as he sped away after his companions.

Aeron dropped to the ground and rolled to the side, just getting out of the tree's way before it crashed in to the snow. He stood, then stumbled, his arm and side were drenched with blood from the wound on his arm. But he couldn't let that man escape, and at that thought, his horse run to his side. One handed and disorientated from loss of blood, he tried to climb into the saddle, Aeron cursed loudly, he was having trouble just getting his foot in the stirrup.

Isabella was heading towards Aeron. She stopped beside him her horse had followed her "Malcolm you can't go after him like this," she said gently but a firmness to her voice.
Aeron stopped trying to get on his horse, and leaned his forehead against the saddle, "I can not let him go, I've been searching for that man for almost my whole life..." He responded, his voice low and hoarse, not meeting Isabella's eyes.
Aeron stopped trying to get on his horse, and leaned his forehead against the saddle, "I can not let him go, I've been searching for that man for almost my whole life..." He responded, his voice low and hoarse, not meeting Isabella's eyes.

"And I'm sorry, but your in no condition to fight, you've found him once you should find him again," Isabella said gently.
Kira moved to dismount, taking her bag off and pulling it around to get inside of it. She moved to Aeron and looked to his arm "Let me help with this " She said gently then started to clean it so it could be stitched "I will help you find him again later."

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