The Moonshiner's Bootleg Buccaneers Hatch-A-Long

Here by the liiiiiight
O' the silvery mooooon
The buccaneers wait
But alas it's too sooon

For the great Cap'n Moooooon
To break out his liiiiiight
That will tell us the tale
If the eggs are all riiight....

So we sit here and wait
For the bright moon to riiiiise
And the Cap'n to come
And open his eyes......

Oh, how long shall we wait?
By the light o' the mooooon?
How long shall we sit
In the darkness and crooooooon?


(Somebody done knocked me off my barrel. Guess I be done singin'. )
Tis I. Not shamed are ye?
johnny depp disney GIF

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