The Moonshiner's Chick Chat

How on earth do not end up Wirth feed all over the bottom of the broader in the first hour? We've tried all kinds of feeders and they just scratch it empty.
Mine don't start making a mess until they are about a week old. And I don't care if they put it on the floor of the brooder. At least they can still eat it. I hate having them on wire. They dump the food and can't get to it.
Ummm.... this is why you collect eggs daily I guess. Didn't know anyone was brooding yet.
lolz. I've got so many broodies right now. Two Orpingtons, a Mars Bar, and the Pomeranian hen, plus a Serama. The other geese are obviously raising their babies. The Pom should be hatching this week. Some of the eggs I confiscated from the Orpington hen that went broody on the goose eggs originally are hatching. The Mars Bar also started hatching yesterday. I was picking up the eggs and kept hearing a chick peeping. Turns out it was in the egg bucket. The egg had rolled out and I'd picked it up. I wasn't sure how long it had been out, but it had started to shrink-wrap so I just helped it out and covered it so she'd attack my hand and not the chick. A few minutes later there were some fluffies running around too, so I guess she had some babies under her already.
It was chilly today. He didn't want to come out at first.
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I'm going to need you and Moony to start a thread on your awesome pictures. lol
100% a cockerel. Look how thick those legs are!?
Would you say his base color is blue and hers is black? These are my 9 week old mixed color BCs.
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Both are blue actually. The male carries silver and the female gold.
The first Cornish chick didn't end up making it. Think he got too hot since apparently 2 girls have been on that nest. Also pulled about a dozen cooked eggs from under them, leaving 3 that are shadowing or about to go into lockdown. I may isolate the. And see if that works or put them under the cochin since she's pretty close to hatching ad well if the mama's break brooding because I moved them.
Huh. Guess you're right. Swear that it was in focus when I glanced at jt but my eyes must have been off task
So was auto-focus. lol
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