The Moonshiner's Leghorns

26 this week
296 this season
15th hatch

I try not to hatch much into October. Years ago I had some issues with the juveniles from those late hatches.
Winters can get really cold here and with juveniles that young they'd want to pile up over nights. That's not good when you got decent amounts in the same pen.
Years and years ago I loved late hatching. I'd raise them in the garage with lamps and come spring they were just at laying age.
I'm blessed and cursed where I live. They will be in the garage and it's finally not so hot they will bake to death in it. We usually don't get a first frost till sometime in mid November. Rarely we get one in October. Won't have the lowes and winter weather till January. 🤞 Gulf coast Texas has its ups in the fall and winter!

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