The Most Influential Books In Your Life

-all Heinlein. Specifically Time Enough for Love and Stranger in a Strange Land
-A Brief History of Time
-Origin of Species
-Orson Scott Card's Ender series, and the Bean series
-I don't know if I'd call The Clan of the Cave Bear series influential, but it's one that I read until the books fell apart.
-Also read Tolkien until the books fell apart
-And the Wheel of Time series, too
The Road Less Traveled by Scott Peck is the book that had the greatest influence on me and still does. There are many others but when a friend handed me that book at 21 and said "Don, read this, you need it" it changed the way I viewed the meaning of life.
I think the most influential book I've ever read is The Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams. I'm not an athiest but Douglas Adams was a VERY adamant athiest. He put a lot of things into perspective for me through his satyre and I was actually able to use quite a bit from that book to argue my points in a theology college class I had. The professor was always very impressed and I would always tell him I blame Douglas Adams! LOL

Its also a very entertaining book written by an excellent author who unfortunately passed away much too early.
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Stranger in a Strangeland - Read all of his works

Mists of Avalon

The egg and I

A tree grows in brooklyn

The scarlette pimpernal

Death be not proud
I have read alot of great and influential books. I don't think I could compile a comprehensive list. But the very FIRST book I found influential was The Giving Tree...Its a childs book but I think everyone should read it...maybe a 10minute read.

Also the book... How to Win friends and influence people....its a great book. I read it as a teen(my dad made both my brother and I read it) But I found I took lessons with me from that book. Now in my career I find my self in a position of authority....this book still helps me.

I loved To kill a Mocking bird, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and a two books I read as a kid...the island of the Blue Dolphin and Beautiful Joe.

Most recently(while not influential)I've truly enjoyed the Harry Potter series...... I LOVE books....And could talk books for hours.
the jewish and christian Holy scriptures and anything by Brennan manning He taught me the right way to read / interpet the Holy Scriptures any of rich mullins or dennis jernigans music kina helps in that same vein

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