-The Mythics RP-


Blue Raptor

As Astera Per Aspera
Premium Feather Member
Feb 20, 2021
Deutschland 🇩🇪
My Coop
My Coop
Welcome to my RP (roleplay)! :wee
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A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.

B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.

C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.

D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.

E) I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.

This roleplay was inspired by mythological creatures that I twisted me meet my own design! Don’t worry if you think you aren’t good at RPing, all you have to do is fill in this character form:
Physical Appearance:
Backstory (optional):
Check out the archives to see which characters already exist:
Check out this “How to Roleplay” thread if you want some tips and tricks:
Check out the backstory and landscape below or in the archives, and then just hope right in!




(Country unnamed) - year 1704
Map art credit: @Blue Raptor

Landmarks include:
[1st & 2nd Image] Lookout Point, North, Freedman, Indian Territory, Bay Hozho, Newhale, Bayport, Neustadt (pronounced “Newstat” by most English people), Pirates’ Cove, Landchester (called South by many people), Undermine, New Bayport.
[3rd Image] Wyvern Grounds, Lighthouse, Ruined Sirens’ City, King’s Army Barracks, Second Main Indian Camp, Centaur Graveyard, Bay Gate, Immigrant State, Main Indian Camp, Rebel Base, Birds’ Point.
[Red] King’s control.
[Blue] Rebels’ control.
[Green] Neutral.

• This country was discovered by King Landchester*, who began shipping boatloads of people willing to populate his new island. They first arrived at what is now called Bayport, where a large city was built with many taverns, pubs, hotels, and wooden streets in the more heavily populated part of the cities. Boats and docks were quickly build, and you’ll rarely find a person living in Bayport who doesn’t have a ride by sea, either rented or owned. Merchants began shipping to and fro, making many quickly rich, but also attracting pirates.
• The Bay Gate was created in an attempt to keep pirates and attacking countries away, and the King’s soldiers guard the gate day and night. The gate always stays closed at night, but opens in the morning unless closed to keep threats out. Crews who aren’t Loyalists (supporters of the King) aren’t permitted in or out of the gate.
• Lookout Point was built with a similar thought in mind, to give the King’s soldiers a point to scout on potential attackers, and doubles as a weather-watching point in case of a hurricane.
• In a smaller cove below Bayport, a smaller town was soon built, attracting quite a few more pubs and bars, which quickly led to thievery and pirate attraction. The Pirates’ Cove state is highly uncontrolled, and an excellent place for many an illegal affiliation and project to be taken place in.
• Neustadt was aptly named by the immigrants who arrived there, and appears to many to be more of a refugee town; and though it is a simple state, the occupants have many taverns, shops, and cute smaller city centers where many open their shops daily to sell their many products or produce. Though it is between two rougher states, Neustadt is a relatively trusting (though clever) little town, and many attempt to leave its purity with it.
• North is a state heavily populated with the King’s supporters, and is also the grounds where his army trains and bunks. It is also the place where the King keeps a majority of the Centaurs in captivity in a large compound.
Freedman is in a similar state as North, though the occupants there believe themselves to be more self-governing, which in a sense is slightly true, though the whole state is still controlled by the King.
• Landchester, named after the King but called “South” by the Rebels in resentment to the original name, grew to despise the rule of the King, and began growing an army to revolt against him. King Landchester didn’t take the rebellion seriously until the surprisingly large Rebellion army forced the King’s soldiers out of South in a sudden battle that lasted a shockingly short four days. It’s now the largest state uncontrolled by the King.
• Newhale, the majority of the population agreeing with the movement of the Rebels, joined the Rebels’ side in defiance against the King and is now populated by Rebel soldiers as well.
New Bayport was a state created in an attempt to re-create Bayport, but under Rebel control. It never flourished as highly as Bayport, though many Rebels and once-Loyalists live there to spite the King.
Undermine was an aptly named state as its original intention by the King was to start spreading northwest in order to slowly begin taking over Indian Territory. He denies this purpose and resents the name of the state, but has been pressing towards the Indians anyway. Progress, however, has stopped on an account of the uprising of the Rebels. Many squatters, Loyalists and Rebels alike, take the creation of this state as a golden opportunity to populate it, and many do since the King doesn’t tax the residents there because of his refusal to declare Undermine as a real state.
King Landchester does, however, plan to use Undermine as a chance to get to the Rebel base one day and has quietly been moving his army towards the state.
Indian Territory is loosely populated by Indians, and gives a “breather” to the Mythics of the island, who mostly resent the colonists’ takeover since they’re hunted and killed by humans.

Wyverns, being one of the largest Mythics and therefore giving them a tougher time when it comes to staying hidden, gathered together to create a place where they could go without being prosecuted and be safe on one of the southernmost parts of the island, where there are large cliffs and crags; making it nearly impossible for humans to traverse. It’s called, by humans and wyverns alike, the Wyvern Grounds.
Many colonists know that the wyverns live in this area, though not specifically where. They created a massive cavern in the high mountains, large enough for their young wyrms (children) to learn to fly and breathe flames safely. However, hunting takes them far away from the safety of the caves, which is just the least amount of risk a wyvern can run into in their lifetime.
• The Lighthouse is a large, fortress-like watchtower build used by the King’s soldiers as a lookout point.
• The King’s Army Barracks is where a majority of King Landchester’s troops stay and train, and is also the location of the Centaurs’ Compound.
• The Main Indian Camp is where a majority of the Indians live, and is led by the neutral Chief Pottaw*. The Second Main Indian Camp, though very similar to the first camp, is led by a different person; Chief Bensawe*, who is Pottaw’s son and slightly more hot-headed. Though these are the main two camps, many smaller Indian camps are scatter throughout the entirety of the Indian territory.
• The Centaur Graveyard is rumored as haunted by almost everyone but the centaurs. For them, the site is a place to be revered and respected. Every centaur is buried there, with exceptions to traitors and ignoble ones, or in the case that the body cannot be recovered. Most nights, fog spreads across the plane, and in the daytime, it usually grows warm. People say this is their spirits tampering with the weather, but this is untrue.
• The King, upon the arrival of any immigrants that he himself did not bring into the country, pushed the newcomers into a new place, not realizing that they’d end up creating a state of their own. The Immigrant State. Many who live there speak their native languages, but most know English.
• The Rebel Base is a small city converted into a base of operations by the Rebels. They have a tall tree-trunk wall surrounding the city, and guards posted everywhere. Though cautious of everyone and everything, the supporters surrounding the city has caused their guard to be lifted slightly.
• The Harpies and the Phoenixes, being more solitary creatures, created Birds’ Point together. It’s similar to the Wyvern Grounds, but the cliffs are smaller and would be considered by some to be more of “hills.” Very tall trees also grow around the place, which make great perching points, and the beach in the area is rocky and bare, which is a perfect place for the Phoenixes to practice using fire.
• The Ruined Sirens’ City used to be ruled by the malevolent Queen Sijure, but upon the destruction of her army in a heavy hurricane on land during a fight on the pre-Bayport bay between the Indians in an attempt to rule the land as well as the sea; and her assassination by her once-friend, the city was abandoned and none of the remaining Sirens wished to rule after such a destructive monarch. The city is in full ruins now, and rarely visited.

Werewolf (where-wolf): Werewolves are very difficult to find, as they appear to be a typical human in daytime. However, after the sun sets and the moon rises, they transform. Werewolves usually stand on two legs and are covered in fur. They grow a tail, wolflike ears, fangs and claws and double in size; this is called The Changing.
Only their eye color and consciousness stay the same. Werewolves can run very fast on four legs, and become stronger than their human selves. They’re very dangerous to fight, especially in packs.
Getting bit by a Werewolf results in you turning into a Werewolf, though they have a code that only allows one Werewolf to bite a maximum of two people during their entire lifetime.
The Changing occurs every day after the sun sets, even if the moon isn’t visible. The only night it doesn’t occur is during a New Moon. During the night, they are able to sneak in the shadows and forests using a very heightened sixth sense to stay undercover from humans. They’re usually thought of as wolves instead of sentient creatures, and are thought to be evil spirits by Indians.

Satyr (say-ter): Satyrs stand on two legs and are goatlike from the waist down, complete with coarse fur, hooves, and small tails. Other than their horns, ears, and short stature, Satyrs are very human-looking and able to blend in with most crowds.
Most Satyrs immerse themselves with the hustle and bustle of a big colony, and will break or saw off their horns in order to help blend in.
While most Satyrs are hard to find, they are somewhat easy to fight, though very agile. They aren’t afraid of even the highest ledges, and are quite skillful in inventing and creating things, as well as playing music; and are passionate about drinking.

Siren (si-ren): Sirens are called by many names, including mermaids, sea dragons, sea monsters and fish-people. Though the rumor is that they sing to sailors to lead them to a watery doom, and their their eyes are magic, this is untrue. The many rumors are spread by man’s fear of the deep, unexplored ocean.
Some Sirens have scaled, dolphinlike tails that appear in place of their legs when they come into contact with water on their lower half, while some have legs and a scaled, fishlike tail that does not disappear. It’s harder for these Sirens to blend in, and they usually stay underwater.
Otherwise, Sirens have gills in the sides of their necks, stiff webbed spines down their backs, and webbed frills in place of their ears. Their eyes are usually an odd yellowish color which narrow in bright light. They also have sharp teeth and nails.
Sirens do not have an organized kingdom underwater, and typically live alone. It can be difficult to hide on land, but the ocean is an easy escape route for them, which is why most live near the bays and ports. Sirens can be dangerous to fight, and lethal in water. They’re usually thought of as fish or sea monsters instead of sentient creatures.

Wolfwalker (wolf-walk-er): Wolfwalkers are humans whose spirits leave their bodies and turn into physical wolves when they fall asleep (whether they like it or not, any time of day). Traditionally, they are led by an Alpha male* and female*, though the latest Alpha male was killed not that long ago by a colonist. A new Alpha male hasn’t taken the role of leader yet, as they’re afraid of angering his mate, the Alpha female*, who’s been in grief ever since his death. The Beta male*, who has no mate, has taken on the unofficial role of ‘leader,’ though he refuses to be named Alpha.
Although unknown to the colonists (who don’t know of their existence and assume that they are just regular wolves once transformed), they can heal wounds by placing a paw, or hand, on the wound. The bigger the wound though, the more Wolfwalkers are needed to heal it.
A Wolfwalker’s human body sleeps while it’s in wolf form, so it’s not affected by tiredness due to the wolf activities, and vise-versa.
Wolfwalkers (in wolf form) are able to ‘see by smell’ and have a powerful sense of it. They’re also either killed or ignored by colonists when spotted, though there is no way to decern a Wolfwalker in human form other than their healing powers and their ability to understand other Wolfwalkers in wolf form (who cannot speak English), and that their spirits turn into wolves once asleep.
The wolf form of Wolfwalkers do not need to sleep, but in order to wake their human body back up, their spirit needs to return back to the body, or else it will continue sleeping. If either wolf or human form die, the other will as well.
Wolfwalkers, except for the Alphas, are not allowed to bite other humans. The Alphas may only bite three humans per year, and they will become Wolfwalkers (which can be distressing to new people once asleep unless the situation is explained).

Phoenix (fee-nix): Phoenixes are human-looking other than the warm-colored wings protruding from their backs, bright eyes, and birdlike clawed hands. They have feathered crests where their ears should be, and a strong sixth sense. They have assassin-like abilities, and can fly. They can also control flames and hold/create fire in their hands without being injured. It’s rumored that they can light their whole selves on fire, and throw flames at their enemies, but that is untrue.
A Phoenix’s feathers are rumored to contain magical abilities to heal, and are usually hunted (mostly by Indians, though some also worship them) though the rumor is untrue. It is also believed that if a dead body is burned, that their spirit becomes a Phoenix, so it is avoided by all except the Phoenixes, who traditionally burn their dead. They use capes to disguise their wings when they traverse into towns for foods that they are particular to.

Harpy (har-pee): Harpies are said (though it is an unpopular rumor), to be able to turn their victims to stone just by looking at them, and that their songs lure men into swamps and lakes just to drown them, though both rumors are untrue. Harpies have dark grey or black wings protruding from their backs for flying, clawed hands, and feathered crests where their ears should be just like Phoenixes; the Harpies’ sixth sense is stronger though.
Harpies are solitary, and have assassin-like abilities, which is what they’re hired for sometimes by those brave enough to try and find one and ask.
Harpies can talk to birds whom, to a certain extent, can understand what’s being said.
A more popular rumor is that they don’t even really exists, though many know the is not the case. Harpies usually traverse into towns under the cover of night, if they do so at all, and are controversially called good spirits that make crops grow by Indians.

Wyvern (why-vern): Wyverns look like heavyset humans except for their large, dragonlike wings, horns, sharp teeth, and slitted eyes. Their throats and mouths are lined with fireproof skin and scales which grow in as they age, giving them the later ability to breathe flames without being injured.
Though very strong, Wyverns can be unwieldy in a fight with an agile person and have weak senses other than smell. They tend to never go into towns, as they would be spotted almost immediately due to their unconcealable wings. Wyverns rarely speak, but when they do their voices are deep. They dislike humans immensely because of the hunters that are sent after them due to the mostly untrue rumors that Wyverns mindlessly burn villages and travelers that cross their paths and hoard treasure. They are thought to be spirits of death and greed by the Indians.

Aqrabaumelu (ack-rah-bow-a-meloo): Aqrabaumelu (often just called Scorpions for simplicity) look like humans except for their venomous barbed tails, sharp nails, sharpened canines, and yellow slitted eyes. They’re surprisingly agile, and their skin is tougher than normal human skin. Aqrabaumelu are dangerous in a fight, but don’t depend on their combat skills as much as the fact that they can strike their enemies with their lightning-quick venomous tail and leave them to painfully die. Aqrabaumelu are skilled with poisons, typically using their own venom in their concoctions, but have an fickle sixth sense that works sometimes, but doesn’t at other times. Aqrabaumelu have very good assassin skills, though are more likely to kill you rather than listen to an offer.
They’re believed and feared to be demons who can possess men by Indians and colonists alike, and are killed on sight. Aqrabaumelu are solitary, and tend to be slightly crazy because of so.

Raptor (rap-tor): Raptors are never spoken of as an existing type of creature, though some knowledgeable men know that they are real, and fear them. It is said that if you want a difficult assassin job done well, you spread the word in nearby taverns and pubs that you “need a job done” and a Raptor will find you.
No one has ever been reportedly killed by a Raptor, but then again, no one’s ever found a trace of a body that a Raptor’s been sent after either.
Raptors have three toes, the inside ones bearing large, dangerous sickle-shaped claws. They have smooth grey or brownish scaled tails, and clawed talons for hands. They have sharpened canines, and eyes that slit in bright light.
Raptors have quick reflexes, and are very agile; with a heightened sixth sense that makes it difficult to sneak up on. They’re rumored to be able to turn invisible and be able to kill with their unsettling stares, but that is untrue.
Though living mostly in solitude, Raptors meet each other quite often, and swiftly recover each other in the event that one is captured or threatened with death. They are clever, conniving creatures who can usually wander into towns without being noticed.

Centaur (sen-tar): Centaurs have the upper body and head of a human, and the lower body and legs of a horse. They’re very rare because it is so difficult for them to hide, and most that exist are captive to the army because of their impeccable fighting abilities, as well as be ridden into battle.
Centaurs are known for their vast knowledge of the stars, and when they were once free, would follow the stars year-round. Some say the stars speak to them, while most know that is not true. Centaurs are very wise, and usually pacifist unless strongly provoked, then they are very skilled warriors.
Centaurs usually have a Stallion King* that leads them, but are unable to have one because of their scattered captivity. They are very traditional, including burying the dead in a certain Centaur Graveyard (rumored by colonists to be haunted and never explored or looked for), having a Stallion King, and blessing their colts with their own sword once they reach the age ten while every Centaur raises their sword in honor.
It is honorable to die in battle, and dishonorable to retreat without order; as well as shameful to have a human ride upon their back.
Unfortunately, with the recent captivity, they’re also unable to carry out most of their traditions.

• Although humans make a large part of the population, you can be any creature you want! All of the people mentioned in the backstory are free to RP (including *King Landchester (land-chest-er), Chiefs *Pottaw (pot-aw) and *Bensawe (ben-saw), the *Alpha Female and *Beta Male, and the *Stallion King) except for the old *Alpha Male and *Queen Sijure (see-shur), who are dead.
• After you submit a character form, wait for me to accept it before roleplaying. I’ll add it to the archives, where you can see your and everyone else’s character forms!
I’ll also add you to a pm where we can chat about lore & roleplaying, and brainstorm opportunities!
• Everyone can make as many characters as they want, but try not to get ahead of yourself! Start with two or three. :)
• As the owner of the roleplay, I’ll also be narrating the weather and day and night cycles best I can so that nocturnal characters and characters awake in the day both have a chance to RP.

Have fun everyone!!
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Name: Galen
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Species: Harpy
Physical Appearance: Average height and build. Wing feathers are dark gray and tipped with black. dark brown hair and eyes. He wears simple natural-colored clothes and gloves to cover his claws. (and before you say 'well, Isa, they're just gonna poke through,' Artham Wingfeather wore socks)
Personality: Focused and a tad ruthless, I guess he has a hard time caring about anything other than what's important to him but wants to try and do better about that though doesn't want to expose any weakness in trying.
Backstory (optional): maybe backstory later, my brain isn't working too well rn.
Name: Ray Kelly
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Human
Physical Appearance: Human- Brown wavy hair to his shoulders, bue eyes, bit of a beard thing going on.
Personality: We shall see now, won't we :)
Backstory (optional): Deputy of the Landchester Patrol/Police (MJ tell me if that's acceptable). Into investigation. There have been recent reports of werewolf murders and attacks circulating the Island within the past nine years, and the number of reports has risen in the past weeks. He seems obssesed in discovering who the culprit is. He has leads and suspicions towards multiple people at all times, the suspect number is ever changing.

Someone make him a buddy or something. Taber. Make him a buddy :D They can do cool stuff together ✨❤️
Name: Galen
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Species: Harpy
Physical Appearance: Average height and build. Wing feathers are dark gray and tipped with black. dark brown hair and eyes. He wears simple natural-colored clothes and gloves to cover his claws. (and before you say 'well, Isa, they're just gonna poke through,' Artham Wingfeather wore socks)
Personality: Focused and a tad ruthless, I guess he has a hard time caring about anything other than what's important to him but wants to try and do better about that though doesn't want to expose any weakness in trying.
Backstory (optional): maybe backstory later, my brain isn't working too well rn.
Both accepted!
If you wanna write up a backstory later Isa, I can edit it in! :D
Name: Ray Kelly
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Human
Physical Appearance: Human- Brown wavy hair to his shoulders, bue eyes, bit of a beard thing going on.
Personality: We shall see now, won't we :)
Backstory (optional): Deputy of the Landchester Patrol/Police (MJ tell me if that's acceptable). Into investigation. There have been recent reports of werewolf murders and attacks circulating the Island within the past nine years, and the number of reports has risen in the past weeks. He seems obssesed in discovering who the culprit is. He has leads and suspicions towards multiple people at all times, the suspect number is ever changing.

Someone make him a buddy or something. Taber. Make him a buddy :D They can do cool stuff together ✨❤️
you're giving me Barny Fife vibes
Name: Lichen
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Species: Harpy
Physical appearance: Tallish, and slender with dark brown wings that have dark bands that can only be seen in the sun. She has long, dark brown hair and eyes, medium tan (idk what this means) skin, and freckles. She wears flakes of gold leaf around her eyes and cheekbones.
Personality: Observant and fairly reserved, she doesn't like to waste words or beat around the bush.
Name: Galen
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Species: Harpy
Physical Appearance: Average height and build. Wing feathers are dark gray and tipped with black. dark brown hair and eyes. He wears simple natural-colored clothes and gloves to cover his claws. (and before you say 'well, Isa, they're just gonna poke through,' Artham Wingfeather wore socks)
Personality: Focused and a tad ruthless, I guess he has a hard time caring about anything other than what's important to him but wants to try and do better about that though doesn't want to expose any weakness in trying.
Backstory (optional): maybe backstory later, my brain isn't working too well rn.
Dear Artham. Love that man.
Both accepted!
If you wanna write up a backstory later Isa, I can edit it in! :D
Thank you, ma'am.
you're giving me Barny Fife vibes
Dear Barney. Love that man.
He was greatly considered in the making of Kelly. The Sheriff better be half decent or I'm sinking this island.
Name: Lichen
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Species: Harpy
Physical appearance: Tallish, and slender with dark brown wings that have dark bands that can only be seen in the sun. She has long, dark brown hair and eyes, medium tan (idk what this means) skin, and freckles. She wears flakes of gold leaf around her eyes and cheekbones.
Personality: Observant and fairly reserved, she doesn't like to waste words or beat around the bush.
Ahhhhhh yesssssssssirrrrrr- 🤘✨

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