The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Really? I think that barley and BOSS are the easiest to sprout. They take a couple days to really get going but oats... those are what I think is difficult. Some sprout right away but most do not. Probably somewhere around 10% will sprout quickly and start growing but the rest of it takes a lot longer to actually do anything. Drives me crazy!

I feed BOSS to my horse. It sprouts all over the pasture.
04/22/15 - candled eggs last night, don't have a true candler. Used my old IPhone light. Not the best pictures but at least you can see some, here are the results:

25/42 - total in incubator look to be fertile.

From our flock - 22/28 -
BO x EE - 11/15 fertile - it was super hard to see into the blue/green eggs.
BO x EE - 4/15 unknown status based on inability to see anything definitively either way.

From our flock -
BO x Brown Egg Layers (BR, Dark Cornish, Delaware, EE, RIR and Welsummer's) - 11/13 fertile.
BO x BRowns - 1/13 - unknown.
BO x Browns - 1/13 - clear.

From Percheron chicks eggs -

BW Roo x Cream Brabanter - 2/2 - non fertile.
BW roo x Amerecauna's - 3/12 - fertile.
BW roo x Amerecauna - 1/12 - unknown .

Will candle again before lock down and remove any non-viables. Ok no laughing at my makeshift candler. The one I made thinking would work is not bright enough for our dark brown eggs and a good amount of our blue/green eggs. Sorry they aren't better pictures....but it is still eggciting!


Fertile from our flock - EE egg


Fertile from flock - brown egg layer


Unknown from our flock - a lot of our blue eggs looked like this, some I could see veining on easier than others.



Not sure on this egg but maybe an early death? It doesn't look right to me, need to do more research. You can check out more not so great pictures in my incubation folder in my photos under my profile. Didn't want to clog thread with a bunch of not so great shots.

PS - I have a 12 second video of embryo movement during the candling last night, so cool!
04/22/15 - candled eggs last night, don't have a true candler. Used my old IPhone light. Not the best pictures but at least you can see some, here are the results:

25/42 - total in incubator look to be fertile.

From our flock - 22/28 -
BO x EE - 11/15 fertile - it was super hard to see into the blue/green eggs.
BO x EE - 4/15 unknown status based on inability to see anything definitively either way.

From our flock -
BO x Brown Egg Layers (BR, Dark Cornish, Delaware, EE, RIR and Welsummer's) - 11/13 fertile.
BO x BRowns - 1/13 - unknown.
BO x Browns - 1/13 - clear.

From Percheron chicks eggs -

BW Roo x Cream Brabanter - 2/2 - non fertile.
BW roo x Amerecauna's - 3/12 - fertile.
BW roo x Amerecauna - 1/12 - unknown .

Will candle again before lock down and remove any non-viables. Ok no laughing at my makeshift candler. The one I made thinking would work is not bright enough for our dark brown eggs and a good amount of our blue/green eggs. Sorry they aren't better pictures....but it is still eggciting!

Fertile from our flock - EE egg

Fertile from flock - brown egg layer

Unknown from our flock - a lot of our blue eggs looked like this, some I could see veining on easier than others.

Not sure on this egg but maybe an early death? It doesn't look right to me, need to do more research. You can check out more not so great pictures in my incubation folder in my photos under my profile. Didn't want to clog thread with a bunch of not so great shots.

PS - I have a 12 second video of embryo movement during the candling last night, so cool!
Someone was talking about wanting to plant stuff for chickens in their yard. Honestly, I am too tired to go back and find the post. When I read it I was on my phone but these links are here on my computer. I thought I would share these links I found as I was searching for poultry forage. We just have to figure out the best way to do it. I don't have a good way to partition off a large portion of my yard. So I may make a mini "hoop coop" type design and start one area and them move it and start another. Only Way I can figure out how to do it without the birds eating all the seeds before they start to grow!
I have a question ? If you get chicks from a feed store, who get there chicks from a hatchery how can you be sure they have been vaccinated? Would you still not give medicated feed and hope for the best?
Also why can't you do FF with medicated feed?
Sorry, I am trying to read this forum from the beginning and you guys are on page 1212 or something and I'm back here on page 142. Needless to say I may never catch up...;)
Since this is the "Natural Chicken Keeping" thread.....

I, personally, don't recommend medicated feed.

The medication is a thiamin blocker that can cause vitamin deficiencies in the chicks which can lead to lameness (and other various problems). If you expose your chicks to your ground from the first week, it gives them the opportunity to build up immunities from the beginning.

To do that, go out in the yard in the area that they will be living on and dig out a plug of sod with a good amount of dirt. Put it in the brooder with them. They will be very excited and they'll scratch and dig at it and make short work of it. You can take it at the end of the day and put it back where you got it from, then replace it with a fresh one.

When I'm brooding indoors when I already have adult chickens, I also go out to the hen shed and bring in a handful of the litter in their house to put in with the chicks. Just a little at first about the time they are a week old. Then over the next few days and weeks, I gradually add more of the old litter in with their brood area. It also gives them a chance to be exposed young to their new living environment and build immunities slowly over time.

It it makes you feel better, you can get some Amprollium to put in your first aid kit that you can use if there is a real need for it.

It's unfortunate, but giving wormers weakens the immune system and makes them more susceptible to..... worms. Same with coci prevention. Often chicks get coci about the time the owners put them outside on the ground for the first time - around 6 weeks often - after not having exposed them young to begin to build up those immunities.

You may have already guessed it, but I also don't recommend vaccination either - for many of the same reasons.
I have a question ? If you get chicks from a feed store, who get there chicks from a hatchery how can you be sure they have been vaccinated? Would you still not give medicated feed and hope for the best?
Also why can't you do FF with medicated feed?
Sorry, I am trying to read this forum from the beginning and you guys are on page 1212 or something and I'm back here on page 142. Needless to say I may never catch up...;)
I have a question ? If you get chicks from a feed store, who get there chicks from a hatchery how can you be sure they have been vaccinated? Would you still not give medicated feed and hope for the best?
Also why can't you do FF with medicated feed?
Sorry, I am trying to read this forum from the beginning and you guys are on page 1212 or something and I'm back here on page 142. Needless to say I may never catch up...;)

Hi, I'm so far behind, I'll never catch up but also, I can't answer your question either. When I was curious about a disease in our area, (about turkeys) I called our county Cooperative Extension, Farm and Ag division. They were more than happy to answer all my questions without being nosy about me and mine. I was afraid of opening a can of worms but they reassured me that (Blackhead) in turkeys was not a problem in my area and educated me about many poultry facts and fiction.
btw, none of my birds have ever been vaccinated. Call the feed store and ask where your birds came from. They might want to know the date u bought them as our Tractor Supply gets their chicks from different hatcheries on different dates.

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