The new coop is close to being finished

Did you use the material, or was it in the size and shape it is now?
What was in it?

Nice roof overhangs, will you leave the soffits open for ventilation?

What is your climate?
Good to put your general location in your profile.

I would assume some of them open, again for ventilation.
Any open windows or soffits should be protected from predators.
I built it from the ground up. The lumber was in a pile in the back of a shed. The crate had been disassembled for years. All the plywood, the roof rafters and the large cedar slabs that make up the box the whole thing sits on are either recycled or new. It's 10 feet wide and 16 feet long at the base.

Most of the soffits on the south side will be covered in hardware cloth.

None of the windows open.
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The coop with the access panel in place, the nesting boxes and one of the chicken's view west from inside the coop. Lots of details yet to be completed


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Are you thinking something might fly in or out? The larger ones are double pane and the five vertical ones are double strength glass (they were shelves in a store downtown).
Both. I don't know what predators you have but you never know what a hungry or excited animal can do. I have known of several large dogs going through windows. Also, a freaked out chicken will head for the nearest perceived escape route and be injured flying into the glass. Hardware cloth will give them the visual clue that they can't get through what they might other wise perceive as open air. Your coop is stunning, and I'm jealous of those views.
Why would you conclude something like that? There will be plenty of ventilation. Suggesting I am not concerned about the health of my chickens is offensive, as I'm sure it would to anyone here.
Are you not concerned about ventilation for the good health of your chickens?
Such a beautiful and well-made coop!!

Most people don't realize just how much ventilation is needed, and, depending on your climate and how many birds you plan to house in there, more than the 1 square foot per bird minimum recommendation might be necessary. For such a large coop I would at least turn ALL the soffits into vents and the door as well.

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