The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

My chickens have been locked in their runs for the last two days. We have a raccoon hanging around. I have a trap, but he hasn't tripped it.
Tuesday, Jim and I were about to leave to meet some of our kids at the Collin St. Bakery. I went out to get the flocks in. Got everyone in the littler run in, except one little rooster. Turned around to go to the big run, and an adult raccoon ran out and took off for the woods. I managed to lure the chickens in, except for one little hen. I threw some scratch into a sturdy little dog gazebo that I have, thinking my little rooster would go in there, so I could catch him. Meanwhile I caught my hen, little Red, and put her inside the run. Turned around to check on the rooster and the raccoon was in the pet gazebo. I ran and locked the raccoon in, got my rooster locked up, but we had to leave. I thought I'd deal with the raccoon when I got home. He managed to get out. He must of squeezed through the space around the door. Anyway, he is still around I'm sure, so the chickens are locked up and unhappy about it.
I’ve never had to deal with those but I’ve heard they can be a challenge. Hope you catch him soon! What will you do with him once he has been caught?

According to the news your current rainmaker may bring us a chance of rain over the next couple days. I hope it does!
I’ve never had to deal with those but I’ve heard they can be a challenge. Hope you catch him soon! What will you do with him once he has been caught?

According to the news your current rainmaker may bring us a chance of rain over the next couple days. I hope it does!

We used to have trouble with raccoons at the golf course in WY.

If they had the chance they would get into the maintenance buildings and make huge messes (fact, raccoons stink). And the office building had a cat door for the course cats to get out of the elements, the coons would get into that building and destroy the cat feeders and waterers.

The first time DH trapped one, he made the mistake of using a cheap trap and that darn thing tore it up getting out.

Maybe the raccoons there were so busy at the golf course, that's why I never had trouble with them bothering my flock. :lol:

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