The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

The Princess cooked the first 25 years. I retired early and took over the kitchen. I enjoy cooking. Our son is limited to boiling hotdogs. That's what he lived on for 4 years of college.

At least he could feed himself something. My son got through college on burritos (canned refried beans and flour tortillas). :gig
Good afternoon, Sue 🦃 I hope your day is going great.
How is Todd doing now?
Todd is doing great, thanks for asking 🤗
Janie, seeing the turkey in your post to Sue makes me wonder...does anyone have plans in the works for Thanksgiving?

It will just be DH & I here but we'll have a special meal for sure :drool
Our son's family may come, but its not a sealed deal. If they don't then nothing special will happen here.
Thats great, DMC.
I'm still missing my big boy. I'm going to contact the people he is with to see if I can send him some catfood for Christmas.

In other news, someone contacted me this morning to say they saw a boxer walking along side the hwy. I jumped in the truck and took off that way. Sure enough it was Maggie. Unfortunately she ran into the woods when I stopped. I've contacted a rescue to see if they can help me trap her. She looked healthy enough so someone is feeding her, but she doesn't need to be running up and down a busy highway.
I will miss my black kitten. I will not miss his sister as much. She was the one that brought snakes, frogs and night crawlers on the porch.
I hope you can catch Maggie.

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