I kind of hope the dentist DOES find something just because maybe it would finally end my pain if they find something and it’s fixable LOL as opposed to NOT finding anything, still suffering, and having to go back to my PCP for a possible referral to an ENT or possibly go to the ER to finally figure this out. I am HOPING it’s just something as simple as needing a filling or even a tooth pulled wouldn’t be so bad if it solved my pain lmao I hope it’s not like a broken jaw or extremely serious infection or something. But even if it is, it can be fixed. My pain has gotten a tiny bit better yesterday and today so MAYBE the antibiotics are FINALLY working!?!?!?!?! But I STILL want to get checked out by a DENTIST and MAKE SURE. LOL Because I DO still have pain. It’s just more a 5-6 rather than an 8-9. Lmaoooo so yeah. We will see.