The Not So Secret Society of Chicken Keepers

9 years old. She likely would've lived longer if it wasn't for the cold.

My Java, Peeper, is going to be 8 this March 🥹 She’s my only broody right now, I’m debating whether it would be mean to let her hatch this year…she got so skinny last time.
That's a wonderful long life! My oldest will be 9 in May. Then the two second oldest will be 8.
Oh no! Keep that big guy safe. My rooster, Boomer; is roughly 6 years old now and that guy still jumps up on my coops, in trees - everything! It's unbelievable.
Thor is struggling to perch now I think. I'm honestly wondering if he has a bit of arthritis.
He should have a tripping contest with my Java hen. She’ll trip over specks of dirt on the ground 😂
I've actually walked out on him stuck on his back on multiple occasions 😭 I think he tries to dust bath or something and his size makes it hard for him to right himself 😭
Question: How old was the oldest chicken you've ever had?
I'm not sure. I used to be really bad at keeping track of my flock when I was younger. That I know Thor is, and I don't even know how old he is! I can only estimate. He moved with me which I think was in late 2019, so 4ish years, I had him for a while before then, maybe 1-2 years, or more... and then I don't know how old he was when I got him not a young little cockerel, I do remember him being a big boy. So he's at minimum 6 years old.
I lost basically my entire flock to a fox a few years ago so had to restart. Majority of my current flock is fairly young because of that.
Mine don't give two craps about me unless I say "HEEEERRE CHICK, CHICK CHICK CHIIIICCK!" And have my blue feed scoop. :D
Just a normal day in the chicken house :lau
More chicken hugs :D These are all completely voluntary, they walk up to me and beg to be held.
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Oh man, you have the cutest, snuggliest chickens. 😍 Hopefully I can spend more time with my new chicks this year so they will actually want to be with me. My White Rock is the friendliest of my current flock but she isn't nearly as friendly as some of my past hens.
Here is Bonner (I believe) taking a nap on my lap in the garden swing. This was almost 10 years ago now! 🥲

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