The Omega Rocks: The Last & Ultimate Barred Plymouth Rock Flock

You're welcome to join in the chickie-drama! I haven't incubated in almost 9 years and I rarely allowed my broodies to hatch because, frankly, I didn't want to add to that younger flock (who are not really young anymore) and nor the other groups for various reasons. Starting fresh with these! Sometimes, you just have to scrap the direction you're going and start over so that's what I'm doing and have done more than once in 20 years. Let's hope we get a nice breeding flock out of these. Today is Day 20, finally, so there should be some rocking and rolling later today, if not an actual chick hatched.
The brooder lamp is on as of a few minutes ago, getting it warm in there, and I will get their water set up after I see a pip or two. I can't believe I'm so nervous about this hatch! It's been going really well all along, from the shipping of the eggs, communication with this breeder, candling, incubator operation, etc., and I'm still nervous!
So, you guys who know BRs going to weigh in on sexing when they're all fluffed out? I've been sexing BR chicks for two decades, but for sure, some can fool you, even knowing the traits to look for. Some really want to keep you guessing, even with all the experience in the world.
Yesterday in the comment section of my "egg shape correlating to sex of chick" video (it doesn't, obviously) someone commented that my first hatchery BR hen I used as one example to debunk that old myth was not at all like a BR and even her egg color was wrong. It was brown, folks, albeit a darker shade than some other hatchery Rock hens' eggs from a different hatchery shown in the same carton. I think it's the same person that asked if I was sure that Atlas's daughters, Zara and Athena, were actually BRs. :rolleyes:
Of course, that wasn't at all the subject on either video she/he left the comment on. YouTube can be "fun" some days.
Yes, it's so fun when they answer you! I hope they are pipping by early afternoon or I'll really be nervous, though there is no reason to think they won't. It's all gone so nicely. My husband even commented that the time probably seemed to go faster because we weren't having to constantly add water and obsess over the incubator. This one really doesn't need babysitting.
Hatch Day begins tomorrow at 7:15 a.m. So far, no pips that I can see so I'll lose some sleep tonight, I'm sure! Temp holding steady at 99.5*, humidity at 68-69%. You see I changed my avatar to a BR rooster in honor of this next chapter. Shhh, don't tell Bash! Will report if I see action!

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