I just wanted to share an up to date photo of Kua. Look how great her beak is! You can see where it has really grown out. The break line used to be just below her nostrils.
She is doing really excellently today!
If anyone is searching and finds this thread ( hen or chicken with a broken beak / mandible ) and you are looking for help, I do hope it helps you. I know not everyone wants to or can take their chicken to an avian certified vet, and that's totally understandable. For those that cannot do this, you can try to make the cap/brace yourself. There is a product out there called apoxie sculpt, and it is essentially a two-part epoxy that you can work with like clay, and it sets within a few hours to be rock hard and lightweight. If you have someone to help you hold the bird, you could create a cap to allow for healing in this way. The only downside is that you might need to create it, then let it sit (off of the chicken) for a few hours until it is hard, then glue it on using a low odor superglue.
Wow, she looks great. Thanks so much for the follow up. Really helpful to see her progress. And I'm so happy for you and for her. I hope she lives a long happy life with you and gives you lots of eggs.
Thanks for the update! Was thinking about you the other day, wondering how Kua was doing. I think she looks AMAZING!! I can't believe she healed so quickly and so nice! If you didn't know she was injured, you wouldn't notice it at all. And I guess I didn't know the beak grows, but stands to reason, as it is like a fingernail! Good Job!!! and congratulations!!
Wow - so cool. My Penny broke the end of her beak off but not near that bad. It has been several weeks and it has not grown back. How long did it take for your girls beak to grow back?
I'm sorry that Penny broke her beak! I have a soft spot for barred rocks.
Kua healed in a little less than a month, but I was lucky to have a good vet and we were on top of the injury within two hours of it happening. Luckily, the soft tissue inside the beak that causes growth was not damaged beyond repair and her beak grew back quickly. She was on medication, good food, and she is only a few months old so I think they all helped her to heal quickly too. I had her in the house for weeks and she was a bit spoiled during that time.. She was a sweetie!