The Plymouth Rock Breeders thread

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A simple drop light with a 100 watt bulb under the shield will do the trick.  They're pretty hardy, but another week of night time assistance is in order.  After that, they'd be good to go.  

Several years ago I stopped getting the newspaper. I don't watch TV and not up on news. This has backfired on me. I did not realize the incandescent bulbs were being discontinued. Are you all using incandescents that you stocked up on? Because I have one 60 watt and one 25 watt, and that is all I can find around the house. The rest are all compact fluorescent. I have 150-watt white heat bulbs and 250-watt red heat bulbs, which are only good for large outdoor spaces for me. And the 150-watt are too hot for my indoor brooders once the chicks get a little older. What to do? I wish I had some 100-watt incandescents.

You will still be able to buy "rough service" bulbs in most watts. Same as incandescents but more shatter-resistant. I got some at my local hardware store.
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You will still be able to buy "rough service" bulbs in most watts. Same as incandescents but more shatter-resistant. I got some at my local hardware store.

Three months ago I went to Amazon and they had a case of 24 60 watts bulbs for $9. So I bought 2 cases. I went back a few days later to buy another and it had gone from $9 to $26. Only 60 watts but it's gotta do.
It is such a challenge to grow poultry in the desert. Rocky, dry hard soil. No grass or clover. Too many predators to free range. No range anyway. Intense sun. Some days I just wonder why I am doing this. Mary, try Armenian cucumbers. They are actually a melon and thrive in the heat and sun, given enough water. Let them get big and past the stage where you would pick them for your own salad. They will get big like an overgrown zucchini. Not the bird's fav, but one cucumber will feed many when there is a lack of greens. Here in the mid-desert elevation 2500', the leafy greens don't do well in the summer. Too hot. They are for fall through early spring. Although we have some kale plants that are still growing, all the lettuce, chard, etc. has long since gone to seed and been pulled to make room for summer veggies.
yes hard to do. But I"m working on it; planting a lot of trees too. In the meantime shade cloth 75% over all the kennels and coops. I had some Armenians and two other kinds started and the **** chipmunks got them. I have some picklers starterd now to replace them if I can keep things from eating them.

Up here, most years I can keep chard all summer. Don't know about this year, already too dry and hot for some stuff; We are supposed to be pushing 100 by Wed; in an average year I wouldn't see that for as long as another six weeks.

Try making good friends with the produce mgr at the local grocery store. Buy up all the "discarded" green veggies. They save them for me here and I get them for next to nothing

Wish I could do that . . . The grocery stores around here throw out their discards in a locked dumpster so no one can eat them, get sick and sue. No exceptions for livestock owners.
Here's the same. I've had the conversation many, many times with the produce managers of our local two grocery strores, and they say the same thing. What frustrates me is that a friend, 2 hours away, same state, shops at the same line of grocery store, and they DO allow her to purchase the "over the hill" veggies. They box them for her, put a price of like $2 on a huge box, and write in large letters "not for human consumption" and she picks them up 3 days per week. I SO wish I could do the same.

Tonight I placed 12 eggs in the incubator that are from a single mating pen. This pair of Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks is the best in "type" that I have so I have great hopes of a few nice birds out of this hatch. I don't like collecting eggs over 7 days but to get 12 eggs from this pen it took me all of 15 days to do so. This will be the last of my hatching till Spring of next year. In 3 weeks with any luck I'll be posting pictures of these chicks.

How neat, Clay, that you are passing along fond memories in the exact same way that you remember as a child! Really neat stuff there.

What are you working to improve on your next generation?
Tonight I placed 12 eggs in the incubator that are from a single mating pen. This pair of Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks is the best in "type" that I have so I have great hopes of a few nice birds out of this hatch. I don't like collecting eggs over 7 days but to get 12 eggs from this pen it took me all of 15 days to do so. This will be the last of my hatching till Spring of next year. In 3 weeks with any luck I'll be posting pictures of these chicks. :)
How neat, Clay, that you are passing along fond memories in the exact same way that you remember as a child! Really neat stuff there. What are you working to improve on your next generation? [/quote] Hi Wynette, seeing my kids enjoy and taking part in my chicken hobby is truly awesome. :) I am working on increasing the body width & length in my birds. With this in mind I will be looking very closely at the overall body width & length in the chicks as they grow out from start to finish. :) I had planned to just get my numbers built up this year and do all my single mating breeding next Spring but I decided to go ahead and setup one single mating breeding pen this year with increasing the body width & length in mind. :)
Just posting to say hi!

We have some White Plymouth rocks that i'm considering breeding. They are quality bred stock. I think I'm just a little overwhelmed trying to figure out what I'm doing --- doesn't help that my girls don't seem to want to cooperate with me either --- only 2 of my girls are laying.(out of 6).

I've got some Partridge rocks too. I thought about breeding these ones, but trying to get 'perfect' feathering seems almost impossible. I hatched some eggs of Partridge hens and a white roo and got some beautiful blue girls.
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