The Psycho Predator....

Crime should be reported. I cannot for the life of me see why reporting a crime is wrong, as someone suggested. Let the police decide, based on prior knowledge or incidents you may know nothing about, if she's harmless or not. Would I report her? You bet. It may end up actually being for her own good.
who would CLIMB a fence...NOT stop at the house FIRST or KNOCK and go right past a dog that wants to EAT HER to the brooder room and then walk out with a baby GOOSE in their BRA

Somebody who wants a baby goose?

In all seriousness, I would report it. Not necessarily to press charges, but as others have said - to have a paper trail. Sounds like she's not quite all there. I would also lock the shed where your birds are kept. She is very likely harmless, but she can't be helping herself to your birds. I would be a little wierded out myself.
Personally, I would not call the cops. It doubt that she'll be back. Of course, you have to decide for yourself. If you are concerned, than you should call. I also think people are too quick to call the authorities.
wow!!! to call a cop or not!!! Yea some of you are right cops are pretty busy. Maybe we should just take our own advise about predators and just SSS.
Sad sack or not, it gets to the point where you're just being stalked.
Somebody stole 3 of my chicks once from a tractor in my fenced yard. I padlock all the pens/cages now. I didn't file a report coz I didn't know who done it (I also shot a cat over them the next night, could have been the cat all along...) but then again I didn't pull a gun on anyone either.
FOR YOUR OWN BUTT, file a police report just a statement of what happened and when, in case she decides to call them about you brandishing a gun at her. Generally whoever makes the first report is viewed as the victim, so if she were to go all crazy about it you would look really bad. You really do need to make the first report.
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trespassing and theft, yea that deserves a police report. add in mildly insane and the kindest thing to do is file a report and get the lady the help she needs. really acting like a goof and insisting its just a harmless old lady? what next she decides she has to have a child to go with the goose and starts crawling in windows and snatching human babies. nope nope nope. little old lady needs some help and a police report is a good way to get that going.
Call & make that report. Also call Social Services. This lady obviously needs help of some kind. Everyone 'taking care of her problems' by ignoring them are NOT solving the problem.
Short story about dementia:
A friend's mother was living with him because he didn't want to put her in a home. She had been diagnosed with dementia. One day while he was at work, she burned down his kitchen because she forgot she was cooking. Another day, when he came home from work, she had found an iron pipe somewhere and clocked him over the head with it when he opened his door. She didn't know who he was and thought someone was breaking into the apartment. Most people will tell you that dementia patients are not violent or dangerous. But they CAN be. If they feel threatened they may feel that they need to protect themselves. But their ability to know if they really are threatened or not is compromised. Bill opening his front door wasn't a threat, but his mom sure thought it was and reacted as if it were.
So, I suppose that lady with the baby goose in her bra had every reason to feel threatened when you showed up with a gun in your hand. I'm not saying to ever investigate anything suspicious without being able to protect yourself. But this lady needs help, and obviously anyone who CAN help her doesn't know it yet.
I know if this were my mom (aunt, grandma, whatever), I would hope someone would take the time to make a report so that her problems could be addressed, before something bad happens.

I would also put locks on all the doors.
I don't care if she is a little old lady (so am I and I'm older than her), that would really freak me out that someone entered my property without my knowlege. I agree re:filing a police report. She was quite capable of remembering where you lived and being able to get there herself. If she was just lonely she would have showed up for coffee etc. and rang your doorbell hoping to have someone to talk t:hmmr maybe called you too often . The fact that she didn't announce her arrival but went about taking the gosling - that is creepy and needs to be reported.

It's a shame people labeled her the crazy goose lady without finding out her real story . You can be sure there is one. Whether or not she is a danger to herself or others, she needs to be evaluated and any family or relatives notified. If her bathroom brooder burned down or not, she wasn't showing any concern. She is out of touch.

You aren't asking that she be put in leg irons you do need a report of contact on file - in case her weird activities continue . With her behavior I am wondering if she "helped" your load of feed fall off the truck. and just "happened" to be there . It's not tv and its not wild imagination - you certainly didn't expect her little visit.

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