how old were the ducklings? the only ones i have outside are six weeks old and they are in a pen with a net top to prevent hawks / crows but honestly, I think they are probably bigger than the crows would attack.
They were just a two or three days old, still round and not save on their feet. Once the ducklings grow into that elongated shape and found their legs they become less prone to crow attacks.
Heatwave? - Here is the Drakenager's way to survive:


There are some Thunderstorms forecasted for the night and "cooler" temperatures for the first part of next week, but the difference between 36°(92F) and 30°(86F) is negligible if the humidity is going up…
The modern thing for Europe this summer is African desert sand blown in by the southern winds. It used to happen every so often in the past but recently it's been around more frequently. The air gets milky with poor distance visibility and a heat dome is formed. You can feel the sand in your eyes and throat after some exposure. I would guess similar to when in North America you receive the smoke from forest fires?

Anyway this has led to 36 C in humid conditions at the end of the week and that was no fun at all. Currently though we seem to have climbed out of it for a while.

* Technically it's dust, the particles are more fine grained than sand... but it does irritate the eyes and throat :(
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So thankful we live in the mountains it’s 62 now and going into mid 80’s which is hot for us. We sure do need rain though. I’ve read were people are losing their chickens to the heat😔
We finally got rain while I was in Sunday School but since that is almost 40 miles from my house, I wasn't sure if we were getting it or not. Hubby said we did though and we are finally going to get more. We have needed it desperately also. I hope you get some too Miss Lydia. My friend that has chickens had some of them looking really bad out in the heat yesterday. Her pen is in the sun and it had dug a hole trying to stay cool in it but it was just soooooo hot yesterday. Not sure how it turned out for it as I didn't stay to watch. I felt bad for it though.
They say you can put out shallow containers and chickens will stand in them to cool off.
i tried but my chickens rather stand in the mud puddles downhill from the duck pools lol. i just brought them inside anyway. lots of panting and it’s been a few days of this. now they have ac. of course, the ducks and geese are fine because they are in and out of the water
They say you can put out shallow containers and chickens will stand in them to cool off.
She had 4 different Chicken houses. 2 with her prize silkies were in the shade and great looking, this one was in the full sun and had a great looking house with it that was ventilated so she might have thought that it could go in there if it thought it was too hot. One had its comb all the way laying on its side. She was busy inside hosting her daughter's birthday party and I was just delivering our Grandson who had been invited and spent the night with us. I know she knows how to take care of them. I was just surprised to see the group of just regular chickens in the hot sun. I was beginning to think maybe she didn't care that much about them. I was beginning to think Fried Chicken was on the menu, lol. I know that really isn't funny, I just couldn't resist.

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