yes she does! @Luv Ducks do you clip their wings? i think i have to clip mine or they might fly over my 6’ fence into either the geese pen or a neighbor’s yard or the forest 🌳
Yes I do. My ones from Metzer's were pinioned but the drake flew over six feet high out of my pen into the neighbor's yard. When it saw me outside of their fence it flew back into my yard and with the help of a couple of other people we caught him. He even left his mate to do this. I since then clipped him and was surprised he could still fly this high being pinioned. The female has never flew the coop. She is not clipped. Luckily the dogs were not out in the neighbor's yard.
Same as do other ducks see no touch. @Luv Ducks has Calls and big size ducks.
I had my first little Call drakes in a puppy playpen for 24 hours where they could all see each other and then turned them loose and all was well. My two duckling Calls were outside in a separate pen with a see but don't touch pen because they were too young to put with my others. Now they are all together including my three little Black East Indies ducks and all is well.
how should i introduce a pair of snowy call ducks to my flock of regular size ducks?
the calls are coming tomorrow!!!
a drake and a hen, 2 years old.
my flock is 14 hens and 1 drake
I would do the see but no touch approach and when you do decide to try to put them altogether make sure it is a time when you can be there to watch them. I let mine graze in our dog pen that actually has grass left in it and when they are out there is when I introduce new ducks. They are so happy to be eating the grass that they don't pay that much attention to the new ones I have added. It works well for me and when I put them back in the regular pen it's like they have known them forever. Strange as it may seem, it works well for me.
I couldn’t reply yesterday so I’ll try today. We have a generator so we do have power 3x a day that is when I clean my coops try and get a load of laundry washed and hung out and do devotions that’s my reading time. We are still cleaning up outside also. I am going to have to buy some welded wire fencing to keep out the predators until we can get a fencing crew here to redo our fence the flood took out so never a dull moment. lol I have been using the broom and dust mop trying To Keep the house fairly clean but with 2 dogs I probably have enough dog hair everywhere to make another small one. We did get a new generator but the electrician had to order new wiring and what ever else he needs to take care of the fuse box from Amazon everything is sold out within a 100 mile radius so hopefully by the end of the week it will be up and running properly. We can not run everything now. So no dryer but we can shower with hot water just can’t run the well pump and hot water heater together. So here we are on day 25 and as far as we can see none from the power company have been down here.they are supposedly working around the clock but terrain is steep and full of down trees and mud slides so it’s been difficult. We are trying our best to be patient. And be thankful we still have our home our lives and our critters. We are on the list for road work but again we have no idea when. Thankfully we can get out but the road is a mess. So this is where we are now. Just trying to remain hopeful and thankful and not get on each others nerves.

Thanks so much everyone for thinking and praying for us. Please remember our county and surrounding ones this has been devasting for so many and now its getting cold and many are sleeping in tents our county doesn’t have a homeless shelter to put those who have lost everything. The shelter has been a few schools but school is to start back so I am not sure where these people will go. It’s so heart breaking but I know God is in the midst of this we just have to keep trusting. ❤️
I heard from Miss Lydia and she has power but still no internet. Hoping to get it back on soon. I am so thankful that God answers prayers and that she is with power now.
sadly I did not get the calls. My mom is 84 and she fell and couldn’t get up (just like the commercials for life alert, yes)
I am her caregiver and just have too much going on to add the new babies right now.
I totally understand my Dear. I was my Mom's care taker and never even had ducks because between her and my Son that I care for I would never have had the time. My Son needs more help now and it is harder to do the things I used to do with my Ducks. Take care and Bless you for caring for your Mom too. I always told mine, you took care of me for 18 years, now its my turn. Sadly a lot of children do not look at life this way. Mine is in heaven now and I can't wait until I get to see her again. Bless you for doing what you are doing.

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