I'm back for a short while my mom got 3 conclusions in 3 weeks and then had a seizure it has greatly effected her mental capacity. So I've been in KY with her for 11 weeks. My dog also has something going on and poops in the floor. Cleaning up dog poop is preferable.
So sorry to hear this about your Mom. I have been busy taking care of my Son with his health situations. I feel for you. I pray things get better for her and you also.
I'm back for a short while my mom got 3 conclusions in 3 weeks and then had a seizure it has greatly effected her mental capacity. So I've been in KY with her for 11 weeks. My dog also has something going on and poops in the floor. Cleaning up dog poop is preferable.
this is very 😢 sad i’m sorry to hear it - and will pray for you and mom . plus little doggie too. God bless you for caring for mother 💕
this is Perdy she’s 9 and looks like she’s growing a drake curl 🧐
Perdy is gorgeous it has to do with hormones. Hi everyone hardly can get here but when I can just want to say hi! Have to tell y’all this I usually have to keep my old Muscovy females away from my young Runner drake he just won’t leave them alone but yesterday I opened their gate just hoping Joshua was settling down now that we’re into fall well I was cleaning out the water bucket and heard a commotion looked around the corner and my 13 yr old Muskie was giving Josh a good work over he was trying hard to get away but she was holding on beating him with her wings I think he may have cried uncle because today they have been all together and he hasn’t messed with them. It’s about time!! One of these days I’ll be back for good Lord willing I sure do miss you all.
this is Perdy she’s 9 and looks like she’s growing a drake curl 🧐View attachment 3979837
I'm back for a short while my mom got 3 conclusions in 3 weeks and then had a seizure it has greatly effected her mental capacity. So I've been in KY with her for 11 weeks. My dog also has something going on and poops in the floor. Cleaning up dog poop is preferable.
OMG! - Seems to be a rough time for a lot of us.

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