Stella crushed a 3rd duckling (after it hatched) so I snatched up the 2 live ones and put them in my brooder. Poor Stella I put her outside with her flock and she got jumped by hen #3 (3rd in rank out of only 3 hens) I guess #3 thought it was her chance to take over bossy lady position. She had a mouthfull of feathers so I put her in solitary.
Poor Stella. It was her first time. At least 2 babies lived. :)
So sorry that the 3rd one got crushed but happy that at least 2 made it.
here’s the 2 babies. i’m guessing they are both from the cayuga eggs because they have the black feet? or do khaki campbell have black feet too i forget… ( the dad was a fawn and white runner)
I love them. What a cute little white cap on the ones head. They are adorable @Jenbirdee
Wow - My next door neighbor’s house was just on fire huge billowing smoke !! my pets were freaking out - I got my mother and husband out to driveway and our dog then my baby ducks and my teenage ducks into the van with mom and hubby . still had time to ran to back and got geese ducks and chickens all down to side yard near driveway - ready to go if need be. fire department was great they got it under control and it didn’t spread and my neighbors are all ok.
i got all the birds back to their areas - my geese are still freaked out a bit. neighbors garage is destroyed, but their house is OK. WHEW!

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