speaking of new drakes and integrations, my 3 month old cayuga mix drake has fallen hard and fast in love with my 4 month old sassy ancona girl… and she with him. the other 2 young ladies are vying for his attention. especially his litter mate pistachio ( on the right)
They know a handsome boy when the see one❤️
It's official, the little gray call is a boy. Started moulting into adult plumage and got his curl. I'm thinking the black bibbed is also male. *sigh*

The two new pastels I got one is definitely male, and pretty sure the other is female. So that makes four drakes and only three ducks. This will need to be rectified.
It's official, the little gray call is a boy. Started moulting into adult plumage and got his curl. I'm thinking the black bibbed is also male. *sigh*

The two new pastels I got one is definitely male, and pretty sure the other is female. So that makes four drakes and only three ducks. This will need to be rectified.
So you'll be getting 10 more ducks?

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