How are your Wood Ducks doing? Mine are still skittish but get along well with everyone else and are doing just fine.
I have Wood Ducks? - Where? 🤣

I vaguely remember that @shawluvsbirds has some Woodies. Good opportunities to ask her how they are doing?
What breed of duck is Spokes may I ask? My two Rouen ducks laid up until they were about 6 and then finally quit. I have several born last year in May and August and have yet to see any eggs but they are all just starting back up right now so maybe in the near future I will.
Spokes Duck?!
She is the spokes duck for the whole flock?
That sound just like Violeta. She is talking the whole day long…
What breed of duck is Spokes may I ask? My two Rouen ducks laid up until they were about 6 and then finally quit. I have several born last year in May and August and have yet to see any eggs but they are all just starting back up right now so maybe in the near future I will.
Sunny Sunshine's daughters from last year have recently joined the egg business. There's a lot of chicken-egg sized blue eggs in my basket every day. Too small to sell, they will go into our bellies…
Your Daffodils are already flowering!
Here it'll be in 10-14 days.
We had some creative weather this winter so the February gold that should have started in... well, February... are now flowering together with the classic dependable Tete-a-tete. Later on we got many other cultivars including the multi-headed super scented Jonquilla sub-family of daffodils.

I really like them because the color gives one a boost of optimism that's needed after the winter blahs; and I planted many to support the young fruit trees - presumably they can drive voles away. They spread slowly because we've got such heavy soil but it's happening. So we have literally thousands of them every spring. It's a happy time.

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