The RE-Build of Les Farms

Quote: So adorable!
Henry is adorable like a great , big, stuffed dog- never get tired of his photos and yes, he has lost the puppy look. Well now he will be a dashing young male.
First off let me say I am so sorry about the loss of your barn and livestock this last February.

I just found this thread yesterday (joined the boards recently) and stayed up till almost 2 am reading it, woke this morning at 8 to read more. (I have summers off so it is relaxed here) I am so excited for you as you get the new barn and fill it with animals. What and amazing process and what a gorgeous barn. And as many others have said, from all the reading it seems not a better person to get this.

I saw at one point that you said you have a FB page it a public page? I would love to follow if it is and see how things progress. I can watch FB easier than the board as it is on the laptop and not on my cell.

Thank you for sharing all of this as it helps me in my dreams of what a barn and farm are like. I am amazed at all the insulation that goes into a barn that far up north. We have some rough winters here in Indiana...and I have hooked up a light in the winter in my dusty chicken barn..going to have to think that thru some...and thinking I might be out with a broom into our barn today to knock out dust and cobwebs in the top of the barn and be more on top of that. My family hails from further north (upper Michigan, not UP) and I used to vacation across the Canadian border so know things are a bit rougher in the winter and longer winters than here. (read much colder..Indiana is bi-polar with weather)

Well I rambled and again want to thank you for sharing, you have given food for thought, and you have a gorgeous new barn. Many blessing
First off let me say I am so sorry about the loss of your barn and livestock this last February.

I just found this thread yesterday (joined the boards recently) and stayed up till almost 2 am reading it, woke this morning at 8 to read more. (I have summers off so it is relaxed here) I am so excited for you as you get the new barn and fill it with animals. What and amazing process and what a gorgeous barn. And as many others have said, from all the reading it seems not a better person to get this.

I saw at one point that you said you have a FB page it a public page? I would love to follow if it is and see how things progress. I can watch FB easier than the board as it is on the laptop and not on my cell.

Thank you for sharing all of this as it helps me in my dreams of what a barn and farm are like. I am amazed at all the insulation that goes into a barn that far up north. We have some rough winters here in Indiana...and I have hooked up a light in the winter in my dusty chicken barn..going to have to think that thru some...and thinking I might be out with a broom into our barn today to knock out dust and cobwebs in the top of the barn and be more on top of that. My family hails from further north (upper Michigan, not UP) and I used to vacation across the Canadian border so know things are a bit rougher in the winter and longer winters than here. (read much colder..Indiana is bi-polar with weather)

Well I rambled and again want to thank you for sharing, you have given food for thought, and you have a gorgeous new barn. Many blessing
Thank you for the compliments and condolences. They are really appreciated.

If you check out my signature line in this reply, you can see where my FB page is listed. It is public. :) We post pictures very frequently there.

I'm glad you think twice about your set up. Really chickens do not need heat in the winter. The insulation is more for my ease of chores, and to try to keep them as manageable as possible for me. In the summer it is nice and cool in the barn with insulation as well.
I did find the FB link. :) And read the article you wrote also. I felt almost creepy stalker like. I love your new set up. We also have boar goats and a couple pygmy's..I came here looking at raising hubby has finally helped to get the pen yard and fencing up. (my dream was to farm..his was to live in the wasn't part of boy!)

My Grandpa barn in Michigan had much more insulation that we have a need for her...and I did notice it kept it cooler also. Though his temps might have hit the 80s a few times....we hit it often and 90's even more often. Its amazing how humid it is here but as I head north it is much less. I miss the north, but surround myself with what I love down here (animals)
I did find the FB link. :) And read the article you wrote also. I felt almost creepy stalker like. I love your new set up. We also have boar goats and a couple pygmy's..I came here looking at raising hubby has finally helped to get the pen yard and fencing up. (my dream was to farm..his was to live in the wasn't part of boy!)

My Grandpa barn in Michigan had much more insulation that we have a need for her...and I did notice it kept it cooler also. Though his temps might have hit the 80s a few times....we hit it often and 90's even more often. Its amazing how humid it is here but as I head north it is much less. I miss the north, but surround myself with what I love down here (animals)
It is SO humid here it is disgusting. We often have 100% humidity during the summer. This week has been nice and dry, so humidity is roughly 50% which is perfect.

As for ducks, they are super messy to raise from ducklings - but given the room, they are a blast - as are geese :) Good luck with the ducks!!

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