The Royal Court

Here is Julie. About 8 months old now


Dottie thought I had a treat
Some updates!

1. We have hatched out a couple batches of eggs and have given away some of the adults to make way for the younger ones.

We got rid of Duke and Lance and here is the new rooster. His name is Luc (Luke). He is son of Duke and Gwen. He is about 4-5 months old. He’s the little blue chick pictured earlier.
Here is another one we hatched out. She’s the black chick from the earlier picture. Luc’s full blooded sister. Duke and Gwen’s offspring. Her name is Elfie. She’s getting close to laying
Here’s Julie and Duke’s offspring. She doesn’t have a name. I love her lacing but she’s more stand offish than the rest. Any suggestions on a name? She’s Duke and Julie’s offspring.


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