The SBEL thread

I'm also interested in breeding for sbels. What percentage of the chicks should have the blue egg gene from an Ameraucana over leghorn hens??

I'm not a genetics expert but if you do a punnet square the first generation (F1) should have all lay blue eggs with an enhanced blue from the white egg genes.

It's in the second generation F2 when you will see a percent of white vs blue although white eggs should still be less common than blue eggs within that generation.

But this only applies if you are breeding with pure ameraucanas and not Easter eggers.
Thanks, I found a genetics post that told me that the pea comb (blue egg) is dominate. I will be using leghorns that I believe are pure so I expect dominate white from them and a pure Ameracuana cockbird. Not sure of the color of him yet, but there is a local breeder that has good quality birds and I am thinking wheaten or splash. Expect to get mostly white chicks with either. And if I do another generation, I'll probly hunt a blue Ameracuana????
I really don't expect to keep him after I get a good bunch of fertile eggs. I honestly haven't thought too much about where to go with the
2nd generation.... this will be my first time breeding mixed breeds .... Just looking for the sbels right now...
The leg sexing might be the norm for this cross. Someone with sbels posted about how their females have slate legs and the males have white (i might have gotten it missed up but theres a difference in color)
hi! this is a nice little thread. We aquired recently a sbel pullet and cockerel. Seems like everyone has similar legs going on? Our cockerel has white legs and the cheeks, the pullet has slate legs and no cheeks. Can't remember if the pullet has the rosecomb or not, but the roo does. I'm hoping one of the chicks in our barnyard mix is a sbel. she has the slate legs and same coloring as the pullet.
hi! this is a nice little thread. We aquired recently a sbel pullet and cockerel. Seems like everyone has similar legs going on? Our cockerel has white legs and the cheeks, the pullet has slate legs and no cheeks. Can't remember if the pullet has the rosecomb or not, but the roo does. I'm hoping one of the chicks in our barnyard mix is a sbel. she has the slate legs and same coloring as the pullet.

Hi thanks for joining us. I think leg colors might be a sexable trait. If you ever have photos don't be afraid to share.

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