the sexy egg thread!

yes they're pretty

Mine laid Nov 1-4, I washed them up today

those really dark ones are marans right? are they hard to handle? i had reds that were wild i was affraid of them lol

yes Black Copper Marans. I don't "handle" my birds that much, but I wouldn't call them wild. The roosters that I've had were not unusually agressive either. (The boys I specifically don't handle much after I can tell them from the girls though, as I've not had any good experience with "pet" roosters. They are not wild, but they move away if I get too close to them.)
They all come running up when I pull in the drive, the girls and the roosters, which is friendly enough for me. The girls will get underfoot hoping for treats, and the boys get close, but move out of my pathway as I walk.
If I want to catch any of them I always do it after dark from their roost, just easier on all of us that way.
Oh, I'm soooo jealous! We finally have 2 laying, so by the weekend we have enough for breakfast. Enjoyed that this past Saturday. Our 2 Jersey Giant girls are the ones laying. I think our BR is about ready, her comb is turning very red. By summer though, we should really be bringing in the goodies! Can't wait!
I posted on this thread before- but my girls just started laying again after a molt, and laid these beauties today- I just had to share on the "sexy egg thread"


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