The silliest cat

Aug 25, 2023
Priceville, AL
My Coop
My Coop
So, before I begin, here's a bit of background. I have a cat who my parents have had for a while, I mean he was there before I was born. He's around 17 now, and super loud and grumpy.

Recently he was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism (hyperactivity of the hormones), a liver problem, and a heart murmur.
Even more recently he was taken back to the vet after around a month or two of giving him treatment. And what do you know, his hyperthyroidism is much much better! And that means his liver problem is as well.

But he still has a heart murmur. The vet says it isn't a super bad heart murmur, but it's still not good.

He's still with us, as of now, and might even live another year or two if we're super lucky. He's the cutest little black hole to ever exist, and is so sweet. He doesn't hiss often, never swipes, and tolerates being picked up and held. He even lets me give him belly scratches! He eats soft food, with a mix of refrigerated hard food, and it sure is expensive. But if it keeps him healthy and happy, we would buy it forever.
I put a picture of him below! He's so cute in his little costume and I might upload more later.

Anyway, that was just me ranting about my adorable cat!

Thanks for reading!
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