The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

I am pretty new and loving the pictures in this thread (although I didn't see every page), this is such a beautiful breed!

Can anyone help confirm my suspicions on these two? They are hatchery chicks and about 4 1/2 weeks old (hatched May 27th), sold a pullets. They have looked so identical (other than one being a little lighter in color, we have been calling her Miss Gracey and the darker one Miss Lacey), until this week... now one is looking much redder in the beak/waddle area, so now I am thinking Mr. Lacey??? Sorry for the set of blurry/cut off pics, they aren't exactly cooperative subjects! :)

Front view: On the left is Miss/Mr? Lacey and right is Miss Gracey

From above: We still have Miss/Mr? Lacey on the left and Miss Gracie on the right

Side view of Miss Gracey:

And the closest I could get to a side view of Miss/Mr? Lacey:

Clearer, but cut off:

And one last close up of Miss/Mr Lacey's face:

Thank you! :)
Can't say 100% for sure but it looks like you may have a pair. I think you are right. I'll tell you like the last poster, click on my profile and you can go to my site and see mine. They are heritage birds from Foley line and it seems that my pullets feathered in quicker then the roo and the roo was/is lighter especially on the back. He still has more down and not feathers on his back. lol Nice chicks.
Can't say 100% for sure but it looks like you may have a pair. I think you are right. I'll tell you like the last poster, click on my profile and you can go to my site and see mine. They are heritage birds from Foley line and it seems that my pullets feathered in quicker then the roo and the roo was/is lighter especially on the back. He still has more down and not feathers on his back. lol Nice chicks.
Thank you! I looked at your pics, and your chicks are so cute! Their lacing is so much more profound, even with so much fluff still on them. Both of mine are feathering out the same, though, which is why I thought I had two pullets. My pair of Barred Rocks are feathering out completely differently, one has had next to no tail feathers and his wing feathers are much shorter, it has been obvious they are a pair since about the first week; but these SLW were fairly identical until this week. And as far as light/dark coloring, mine are the opposite of yours then. The one I think is a roo has the darker coloring, whereas you said yours is lighter. I guess time will tell, but it is so hard to wait and it is fun playing the guessing game! It's really nice to have opinions of those more experienced! Thank you!!
Thank you! I looked at your pics, and your chicks are so cute! Their lacing is so much more profound, even with so much fluff still on them. Both of mine are feathering out the same, though, which is why I thought I had two pullets. My pair of Barred Rocks are feathering out completely differently, one has had next to no tail feathers and his wing feathers are much shorter, it has been obvious they are a pair since about the first week; but these SLW were fairly identical until this week. And as far as light/dark coloring, mine are the opposite of yours then. The one I think is a roo has the darker coloring, whereas you said yours is lighter. I guess time will tell, but it is so hard to wait and it is fun playing the guessing game! It's really nice to have opinions of those more experienced! Thank you!!
Sorry if I confused you. The lighter color I was talking about is the down up on his back between the wing feathers. He's more of a light grey where the pullets seemed to be more black. The only thing that makes me think that you have a pair is the comb/wattles. As far as the build, they both look like pullets. I don't know (if they are from a different line) if some of the pullets may have larger wattles etc or not. I know that I have a RIR pullet that grew her comb and wattles almost as quick as the cockerels but just not as large. lol These SLW's that I have now are the first heritage line that I've had. I did have a small flock of them a couple of years ago but sold them at point of lay when I decided to go into the heritage birds. They did seem to feather in differently then the ones I have now.
Anyway good luck with them and yes, the guessing game is lots of fun. The breeder that I got mine from told me that the only problem he has with them is the fertility issue. Most have to have the vent feathers trimmed/plucked or fertility is low. I can't say for sure because I've never raised them yet. I will know better late winter early spring. I do keep my site updated pretty often so you can check on mine anytime you like. Also, looking forward to knowing what yours end up. lol
Thank you so much! I really appreciate all the info you are giving me. I figured that was what you meant, my gracie was always lighter, that was why we named her that (Grey/Gracie), she had quite a bit of grey fluff on her back from the very first day; whereas Lacey (the one with the redder face) was all black (except for the two stripes down the back, that they both had). I know a lot of the difference could be the stock they come from. But all of this is still so helpful!

And the lacing on your chicks is already worlds above my hatchery chicks. If we ever decide to get serious about these babies, I may just want some of your chicks/eggs! :) Thank you again!
Thank you so much! I really appreciate all the info you are giving me. I figured that was what you meant, my gracie was always lighter, that was why we named her that (Grey/Gracie), she had quite a bit of grey fluff on her back from the very first day; whereas Lacey (the one with the redder face) was all black (except for the two stripes down the back, that they both had). I know a lot of the difference could be the stock they come from. But all of this is still so helpful!

And the lacing on your chicks is already worlds above my hatchery chicks. If we ever decide to get serious about these babies, I may just want some of your chicks/eggs! :) Thank you again!
That will be fine. I am really looking forward to seeing these when they are all grown up. Don't know if you have ever been on Foley's site or not but their SLW's are absolutely gorgeous. As I said, I had the hatchery ones and they were nice but nothing like what I've seen on the pure heritage sites. lol I'm sure not knocking your birds just saying that there is a big difference. Again, this is my first time for the heritage ones. I do know that the body structure seems to be a lot heavier on these ones then what I had before. They seem to be as broad as they are tall. lol I will keep updated pictures on my site if you would like to watch them grow and compare them with yours. There isn't a lot of difference in the ages. Feel free to PM or email me anytime. I love talking chickens. ha,ha
So Im really bummed.... I purchased some SLW chicks and none of them have the lacing they should have... Could anyone give me names of some reputable breeders. Id really like to have the proper type and lacing the breed is suposed to have. Im located in NY

Thanks everyone!
How old are your chicks? The laced varieties often go through a really ugly stage before their final juvenile feathers come in and some of the real "ugly ducklings" can actually grow out to have very nice lacing. If your chicks are still young the lacing could improve.
So Im really bummed.... I purchased some SLW chicks and none of them have the lacing they should have... Could anyone give me names of some reputable breeders. Id really like to have the proper type and lacing the breed is suposed to have. Im located in NY

Thanks everyone!
Foley's waterfowl is where the line that I have came from. I got them from a breeder that I got my RIR babies from in Colo. Don't know for sure if you will be able to get any now since the weather has gotten so hot for shipping. You may have to wait till fall or early spring. Lots of the breeders have broken up their breeding pens for the summer. If you think I can be of any further help, let me know and I'll sure try.
A few more of Foley's birds. I'm very pleased with mine.



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