The Sizzle Thread!

Ok I give up! Hen or Roo? Are the comb and wattles a dead give away? Has anyone ever had a hen with this much comb and wattle to her? Reason I ask is because it does not crow like its sibling (they are both over 20 wks old), it does not stand tall at all like my other Roos, if anything it walks around and "talks" more like a hen than a rooster does.


This is a tough one. It looks lightly bearded, the bearding suppresses the larger combs and wattles. When they are non or lightly bearded, bigger combs and wattles are normal. But, in that first picture, it sort of looks like it has little streamers? Just because you have multiple cockerels, doesn't mean they will all crow and make themselves known. Its very common for one boy to be dominant and the others just try to fly under the radar and avoid him.

It looks pretty boyish to me, but I just can't say for sure!
Mine all do a good job of making themselves known over here! I have too many of them and when one starts it quickly turns I to an orchestra! Lol he does look very rooish. I put this one in with my older smooth roo yesterday to see if he would try anything but he didn't. So I'm thinking maybe he is a roo.
My babies r getting SOOOOO big!!! And even more adorable!! They are about 4 months old now!
Any guesses on sex??




And my new rooster I just got for that pen!! Soooo pretty!!

Still working in F1, & LOVING this project pen! Ready to start adding hens to increase production!

That's exactly what I was thinking they r, except the black one, I wasn't sure cause I'm new to the Silkie comb thing. Lol
And yes, no curly to curly! Their pen is HUGE, so planning to split it into 2 and have a Frizzled roo with silkies or smooth sizzle hens in one side. Than that brown smooth roo with Frizzled hens in the other. He seems pretty perfect, except skin color & comb color. But I figure him and that black frizzle will make good babies!!! :)
Oh, & thanks for the response btw!!!!

I would, but only 1 girl laying so far! Another went broody, & I just took her babies at 5 weeks, & the youngest I just saw get mounted by my roo a few days ago, so hopefully anytime!!! But 3 is all I got so far. :( Hard to find laying age around here.
I would help out some aspiring Sizzle breeders too, but I'm pretty much in the same boat. When I moved from Va to Tn, I kept one Sizzle hen so I could continue on with my project. She's hatched one Sizzle chick so far this year, so I officially have 2 Sizzles to my name.

I'd love to be at a point where I could share or swap some eggs or chicks with others. Maybe next year :/

I did notice that Sheri Minkner(a breeder with AMAZING Sizzles) has hatching eggs for sale. You could Google her or look her up on Facebook :)

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